Saturday, July 6, 2013

the seqouia trip

ch.10 (cont. 
between a rock and a hard place. 

               Carl was covered with a blanket and then the two medics moved Carl out into the cold air and Lee followed. He was loaded into a large fire truck van body, capable of carrying a small army. Carl looked up and out from the gurney before they loaded him in the rear. His life was passing before his eyes as memories of days when he was younger and Darla and he would sit under the shade tree in the front yard sipping lemonade with ice made from his first refrigerator.
No more going to town to get ice, electricity sure changed things as the old ice house became a thing of the past. And now he was quick becoming one of those things also.
          “Don’t worry dad they will take good care of you” lee said.  “I will be following in the truck, just as soon as I grab a few things dad. “
       “Where in the hell are they taking me?” asked Carl angrily as if about to go off.
        “They have to take you in to the hospital at Bellaire to get you checked out. Looks like you are going to need a few stitches and probably an x-ray. And maybe an anal probe,” as lee said to his dad with a smile. Trying to lighten the mood and ease his father down.
      “It’s my damn head that was hurt not my ass, “remarked Carl grumbling under his voice.
     “Dad you know you have to watch your language when you are not at home.”
       “I will say what the hell I want when I want to, and you can do very little about it except shut your mouth. “
     All right dad I get the message, and I will be along soon.” Lee said as the medic was closing the door and listening to the last of lees exchange with his dad, and the medic remarks
      “Kind of a tough old coot isn't he”
     “Putting it mildly and that would be a for sure, “Lee said.
      The ambulance sped on the back country roads slick with snow as fast as it could. Lee grabbed his dad’s pill information and followed in the old f-150. He wanted to call Ann but never had a chance and the roads were slick, so he felt that he better not chance trying to call. Besides when he arrived at the hospital there would be plenty of chances to call as nothing ever happens fast inside the hospital. Sure they may look like they are busy but it sure seems to take a lot of time getting through there. And Bellaire general was no different. Lee was able to keep up with the ambulance and pulled in just minutes after they arrived.
     His dad was already inside and a team was looking at him and his head, they took him straight to x-ray dept. and had shots taken of his body and his head. They wanted to make sure he had no other problems with his arms and legs. After fielding a barrage of questions from the intake nurse, lee found himself wandering through the hospital trying to find the x-ray dept. and finally found his dad. The bleeding had slowed but the bandages were moist with blood soaked through. The nurse there was happy with the x-rays and shuffled Carl and lee off to the emergency room as the nurse was concerned about his bleeding.
     The emergency room doctor removed the bandage the medic had placed on his head and the bleeding started anew. He asked Lee if he was on blood thinners and Lee said he was. The Dr. said he didn't appear to have any skull fracture but with the severity of the bleeding and laceration, first stitches would be needed to close the wound and then he would need to be observed for at least 24 hrs... meaning he wasn't coming home tonight. Lee Called Ann and she said she would meet him at the hospital and wait with him till his dad was settled in his room.
      They actually had him prepped and ready for stitches as soon as lee returned from making his cell phone call. Lee watched as the emergency room doctor stitched his dad up. Carl was on his best behavior and said little and complained less. Lee thought that won’t last long.
     And it didn't, as soon as the doctor left the room Carl was asking a million questions and damning this and that and wanted his clothes to go home. His head was stitched and he was all right. He just wanted out of there.
      Lee said to his ad trying to calm him down, “come on dad, you know it’s best what they are trying to do for you. You took a pretty good fall. They also want to test you to make sure you don’t do this again. Were you light headed when you fell?”
     “You are the one that is light headed you ungrateful shit. What kind of question is that?”
   “Unfortunately the kind that needs answered dad, why can you be so nice to everyone else but always treat me like shit. Dad, I do more for you than anyone does, yet you still call me names, and treat me like a kid. Why should I give a shit what they do to you? I’m tired of being treated like this. “
      “I don’t do anything to you, besides you are my son “
      “Don’t know what kind of answer that is dad or as excuse it sucks, and please don’t remind me of why I am here. Next time bitch to your other family members, I am getting tired of hearing it; “Lee said showing his emotions. And with that Lee stood up and walked out of the room and went to the waiting area to wait for Ann to show. He knew it would be awhile as Ann really didn't like driving in the snow but he knew she would want to be there for him.
      Lee sat silently going over in his mind what lead up to today’s events and was wondering if there was anything he could have done to prevent it. And there wasn't. The medic was right, Carl was a tough old coot and he predicted, not lee how things would go with them. Lee was thinking he heard his name being called. Social service was called in to make a report , a receptionist said and wanted Lee to answer some questions.
      Her name she said so fast that Lee didn't really understand and that she was representing the hospital and was an investigator with Human \Services. She wanted lee to tell her in his own words what happened and where he was when his dad fell.
     Lee looked at this young girl and wondered just how much experience she had at this sort of thing, yet he still managed to recount his chain of events leading up to his dads fall.
     “So you say you were not even in the same room with him. When he went down?’
     “That is correct” lee said, making his answers short and to the point. Her conversation with lee was making him unnerved as she seemed to think that Lee had something to do with his dad’s injury. He was starting to guard his answers to make sure he said only the right things as if he had to prove his innocence. Lee thought to himself if I had hit him ,then why would I call an ambulance to com and pick him up? He had put stitches in before with fishing line and a sterile needle. A calf had its leg caught up in the barb wire fence surrounding their farm and it ripped a large hunk of skin loose when it tried to run through the fence, lee wrapped the calf in blanket keeping the leg out and immobilizing the calf. Poured peroxide and alcohol on the wound and pulled the skin over and stitched the calf’s skin back together. In a week he took the stitches out and the calf was fine. Surely if Lee was abusive he could just as easily done nothing or did the stitches at home.
    Lee understood it seemed to be standard operating procedure as patients I guess are not supposed to have accidents. That it is a major plan to defraud the insurance and the government. Oh wait that’s right. Carl was too rich to be eligible for Medicare and to poor to afford his own insurance and was now going to have to pay the bill himself. Lee thought, well the man has dementia, maybe he will forget to pay. And them Lee thought again and said to himself well he doesn't pay the bills I do. And I will be damned if I will pay a bill to be hassled by Social Services. Lee may pay it, but not before they wait awhile to get their money.      
     She remarked that a follow up visit would be necessary at the home to observe Carl’s living conditions and whether he was being cared for properly. She said it was all a matter of procedure and that Carl would not return home till she assured that he was safe there under lee’s care. It was all Lee could do to keep from blowing up. Nib nosing people anymore always sticking their noses in places they have no business at. What is with this world? She asked Lee to sign a statement and Ann showed up then asked what it was for. And immediately told Lee he didn’t have to sign anything but a paper allowing treatment of his dad, beyond that he was not required to do or sign anything. Lee looked at the social worker and she turned her nose up realizing Ann was right and tuned and walked away but as she did she reminded Lee about the home visit she needed and said she would be in touch tomorrow.
     “Wow what was that all about? “Asked Ann        
     “Guess they think I smacked dad in the head with a two by four,” Lee smiled and went on” I thought about it a hundred times but just never could do it. That pain in the ass he is. “
                                                                      (To be cont.)      


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