ch.15 cont.
Lee stirred first, realizing that day had
turned into darkness and that neither of them thought to feed poor old Susie waiting
patiently outside the door. Susie snapped to attention as soon as Lee cracked
the door quietly. He didn't want to
disturb Ann who was still sleeping, or appeared to be in the bedroom.
Lee proceeded to
fix Susie’s’ supper as he poured dog food in the bowl and grabbed a couple of
small links of sausage out of the frig, and a frying pan out of cupboard then
cooked her up a couple of sausage. Every night it was something different for Susie.
A little bit of leftover this or that, and yet a healthy mix as Lee prepared
good healthy dinners using mostly chicken. Beef was to expensive when he had
his own. He could always make more selling them. So it was chicken for Lee, and
usually Ann and Susie as well. Lee was going for the quick fix. Susie knew what
time it was and easily could be found lying in the kitchen, sometimes under his
feet. She was a German Shepherd, no small dog, and they can be quite the pain
when you are tripping over them.
Lee took to
cleaning off the table putting the casserole in the frig, except a small
portion to add to the sausage in Susie’s dog food bowl. He started the sink
water to the dishes and heard someone in the hallway and it was Ann wondering
what the commotion was in the kitchen . Dressed in her robe and naked
underneath she approached Lee and ran her arms up under his tee feeling his
warm back as he stood there in his boxers doing dishes. Her hand cupped his
firm bottom and asked if he needed help as she pressed against him.
“With the
dishes ?” laughed Lee.
“Of course
silly what did you think I meant? You know
those would wait till tomorrow! “Smiled Ann. Her hand took to rubbing his back,
as the smell of sausage cooking in a frying pan, lent credence to the fact that
the kitchen is where everything gets done. No matter the time of day. It bugged
Ann to let dishes sit and Lee knew this even though she said it was OK.
“So what did you
think dear?” Asked Ann, not really referring to anything.
Lee said
immediately that, “I felt my performance was stellar and that maybe you needed
to practice with me a little more often.
And that with this practice your inadequacies could soon be turned around to
positive attributes. “laughed Lee as Ann was poking him in the side.
“Not about the
sex dear I was talking about the news of Gunnite Corp and us and how it will
affect us both. Didn’t you think anything about it? It is going to be so weird
not having to go into work. Except for when I was in college, I have been going
to work at the Gunnite offices all my adult life. I never spent one year
without working. It will feel so good to not do anything at all.
“W-e-l-l-l-,” lee
kind of drawled out the word as he went on , “been pretty much there where you
are at most of my life also my dear and for the last 10 years didn't even
hardly take a vacation anywhere. Now we can go to Sequoia National Park as this
should take care of most of our problems. We won’t have to be back anytime
soon. And did I tell you what guy told
me ? “
At this point
lee recanted the story of the supposed dying of the General Sherman tree and
how they were going to remove it but Lee and myself thought it was best to let
natural selection determine when and where that would happen instead of man. After
all none of us was around when it started to grow there 2500 years ago and we
really have no authority to end that life now. Lee told Ann as soon as the
takeover was complete, that her and him should go ahead and make that trip they
had planned. Also Lee told Ann he gave no thought to the elevation level they
would be at when they were going to climb into the Sequoias .That the sequoias were in the foothills of the southern sierra Nevada
Mountain range , and that may require
some high altitude training of some sort. Those elevations there can run as
high as 6500 ft. above sea level in the park. The closest thing they could find
in elevation around here is Spruce Knob in West Virginia at an elevation of
4863, and that maybe they had better make a dry run over there to the summit to
see what all was involved and if they were going to be able to pack their gear
in to climb in the Sequoias as they
wanted to. Anyhow it would be good strength training for them as they had never
hiked with packs before.
As Lee was
going through all this and explaining about the disease of the General Sherman
tree and what all needed to be done, Ann grabbed a dish towel and was drying
and placing dishes in the cabinets.
When the dishes
were finished and lee seemed to calm down Ann reminded Lee he didn’t have to
wash dishes any more there was this new fancy thing under the sink that would
automatically do the dishes , and at this point she was laughing at him as she
continued and it is called a ‘dish washer. ‘
Lee caught her
around the midsection as she tried to slip from his grasp from where he was
seated at the table after doing the dishes, and he pulled her close and kissed
her neck as she sat down on his lap. He said “Sorry I forget. Shall we go back
to bed?”
She said “Are you
going to keep your hands to yourself?”
and he smiled
and said, “Of course not. “
“I only hope we get
along this well when we are together all the time.” Ann replied.
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