Tuesday, July 23, 2013

trip to sequoia ch. 17 cont. part 2

Ch.17 (cont.)

     Am I ready to shun all modern conveniences to live totally off the grid. Yes I would be ready to do that in a heartbeat and have been looking at a lot of housing that is geared in that direction. A smaller house, some as small as three hundred sq.ft. , are being built as they require substantially less energy to heat and maintain at a certain level of comfort to humans. They utilize passive storage systems where energy is stored in heat saving vessels or in rock storage or in the ground below the house and is removed by circulating air or water, or it could be the use of a heat pump. With the heat pump drawing in the warmth of the ground and transferring in a reverse air conditioning system to the inside of the house, warming the house. Then in the summer it reverses itself to cool the interior of the house.  The small house Ann and Lee stays at is heated by same stove to cook on and utilizes wood for the fuel . It stays toasty in the cabin as I call it.
    Electric cars have been around since the beginning of the century but never took off as a viable form of transportation till recently. Being able to move from one place to another, is part of the American dream , the freedom to own the road and explore as one sees fit or wants to do reliable electric transportation has not found its groove in today’s economy but I do see multi- fuel cars as being a viable option. Most people live within 40 miles of work and drive an hour or less one way. Having a vehicle that could be charged as easily as making contact with the bumper to a pad in your garage would increase the selling ability of an electric vehicle. This would serve as the charging point to your car, and then it would not be necessary to handle cables or plug it in. In fact these charging stations could be in city parking lots or wherever one would park their car. Then operating the car on electric and when the batteries are low switch over to electric generated by a small engine and recharge the batteries as you drive. This allows you the freedom to drive further. Eventually a standard battery charging system should be developed so that even in remote areas a solar grid could be set up, waiting for that time when a customer needs a recharge and simply pulls in and sits and listens to music as he is charged by a solar grid and continues on his journey. Solar electricity will be the norm.  Fuels , such as gasoline will be a standby source of fuel for small engines associated with charging.  all  energy efficient methods will be employed causing the least effect to our environment as compared to present day systems of transportation .
       We need to treat electric cars as a race option in the future much as they do stock cars of today. Have races where fuel efficiency and battery life or the ability to charge on the go is more important than horsepower except in the sense one still needs to win the race. This racing venue will not only stimulate interest in racing electric cars but will also stimulate electric car technology. If we could do for electric cars, half of what we have done to further technology of gasoline engines, imagine where would be in 20 years. Let alone the 100 years of racing, the gasoline engines have seen. Imagine torque applied to each wheel on the track, more so on one side, than the other so as you advance around the oval the outside wheels actually are spinning faster than inside wheels making turning far easier as the car would do this automatically through a computer controlling each wheel independently. The driver would just sit and override as necessary. Cars so quiet that all you would hear is a humming sound coming at you and a swoosh as it went by. And smooth to drive. Component systems allowing you to swap out a drive motor on each wheel as quickly as you change a tire. And with the added weight of the batteries even higher speed could possibly be achieved as the extra weight would increase its road handling aspects. Solar panels would adorn the exterior of the vehicles increasing their onboard battery life. But all in all till we embrace electric car or alternative car racing as a norm we will always be lagging behind conventional systems. The technology that can be gleaned off alternative car racing could easily be applied to all transportation systems in the future.
    This all helps the environment and trees in general when we reduce our need for conventional fuel sources of the petroleum type.
     As I would go on with my spiel and occasionally hop off my soapbox to further enlighten Ann and Lee on where our future should lead when it comes to reducing the effects of greenhouse warming and how it is affecting our planet, they would ask me questions about the finer points of my big plan as they called it. They always said I was to big for my breaches and that my big head got in the way of the big picture, but my big ideas had some merit in the scheme of things. I ignored them and went on a rambling about energy storage as it relates to solar power. They were lucky it was only a short trip between Beverly and Dolly Sods or else their ears would have melted, or possibly I might end up in the bottom of the Ohio River with some pretty concrete blocks tied around my ankles. But they were a captive audience and with Ann and Lee I try to to take advantage. We kid each other and they listen as that is all one can do to an idea from someone else. But even that is learning process as the person you share with will always have a pre-formed opinion whenever faced with the same situation again in life whether it be me or someone else. This shared idea will be passed along and this is what we need to solve problems, the human race will see in the future as we face hunger, overcrowding and depletion of natural resources. They are not making any new earths and if they were I am sure they wouldn't tell me if they were, as they would want it all for themselves whoever they may be. There is no plan B for Earth. We have only one shot at this and so far we have made a few mistakes, so now it is up to the human race to figure out how to make it right again so we can perpetuate ourselves into the future. I shared what I know with Ann and Lee and hopefully it will have an impression on them and I think it has. Lee has become more and more observant of the interrelation of man and the environment and has helped Ann make decisions in her company that will have an impact on society as never before. Her company actually took steps toward a greener path by utilizing some of the basic things like recycling as they moved from mining into recycling of metals.
     Gunnite had also invested in a cd construction demolition landfill where they would receive industrial waste streams and process it through their facility and send out toxic substances to be reclaimed at other facilities, but all the rest was either composted or if especially difficult to utilize would be buried in one of their old mining pits.  The composted material was used to cover the slopes and protect the drainage off the C.D. fill area. This was quite a profitable operation as they provided a service to the industry and in the process utilized their waste streams to improve the environment from what ravages man had inflicted upon it. This was one other  reason Gunnite was being bought out as they appeared to leverage themselves into a larger share of the waste industry long controlled by underworld  interests. What would the underworld do if they had no place to dump a body? Anyhow Ann and her family were set to finally capitalize on their fortune and liquidate the Gunnite corporation and Ann would be rich, as if she wasn't already.
   Ann was very humble in her handling of the rich thing as you would never know she was worth as much as she was. She lived modestly and nothing extravagant was ever shown. she never flashed her money and was perfectly content to let you pick up the bill and yet always being there to support those things Lee loved as much as she did. They both had a keen interest in the environment and understood the importance of healthy living. The money was nothing to her as she had a higher value placed on friendship and love. The money was a tool to accomplish more and she was working in the back of her mind the best way to make her new found money do the best for her. She would possibly buy a new business and head in a different direction as far as the company’s path. I said something to her about energy storage and she was looking into that possibility as means to utilize her money for the benefit of human race.
    But first she had things about me she needed to know and was going all out to find the answer as she had hired an investigator to check into my past, all this without telling me.  


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