Sunday, July 28, 2013

trip to sequoia ch. 20 anns phone call

Ch. 20
Ann’s Phone Call 

        My cell phone rang one day while I was sitting on my deck staring down the hill watching the early spring come with its daffodils and crocuses coming up and sweet smell of springtime in the air. It was Ann and I figured that Lee and she must be about ready to head out west to California to see the sequoias. It caught me as kinda strange that Ann would call as it was usually Lee who made the call.  First thing I thought was something was wrong with Lee and he couldn't call but Ann assured me that nothing was wrong with Lee, it was a call she had to make as it concerned her and me .
     Ann says to me. “First off Guy we want to know if you would like to come along on the sequoia trip as it was your idea and we feel you should be able to see them as well?”
  I replied that it was nice of them to ask me but I would have to think about it . it would take money on my part to make it happen and really don’t know that I could afford to do it , and besides Lee and her  needed  time alone together after Lee ‘s dad and mom had died and now Lee was free to do whatever. Maybe he should save this first trip you had planned for yourselves to mend, a chance to do something alone together.
     Ann then said to me,” Well guy there is something else I would like to mention and that is I found Leann and she is doing fine. “
     I had almost choked on that one but replied “ I am glad but whatever possessed you to contact her in the first place?” I said and then thinking paused and continued,” she left me years ago and never made no effort to try and get in touch with me, why are you bringing this up now? “
      Ann replied, “Well Guy it’s like this. You have been so helpful to Lee and I, helping focus our relationship on each other.  You provided us with a place to stay when we are down there. I just wanted to do something for you. So I hired a detective to check on her. “
     This kind of irritated me at the thought of her hiring someone to check on Leann without first asking me about it. Even though I wanted to know how she was getting along, I still would have never done that in a million years. I said “Ann I wish you hadn't.  Did anyone contact her yet?”
      Ann said, “No we didn't, but we know she still has her job she works at, and her son is still with her, but she appears to be doing fine. “
     That’s good I replied and then continued, “Leann made it quite clear she never wanted to see me again. I knew she felt something for me, but our differences were overwhelming. I loved her and cared for her and only wish her the best but I apparently wasn't the best she was looking for. Why she could never pick up the phone and call me I will never understand, but I do understand that I have a moral obligation to respect her wishes, and just let it be. I have been trying to do that for years until now. Thanks for dredging up old memories there Ann. Oh well que sera sera , whatever will be , will be. I can’t do anything about her now, to much time has passed and I will always have a place in my heart for her but don’t think I can travel down that road again . I hope you understand Ann. “
     Ann said,  “ Listen Guy I know how you felt about her and how this was supposed to be your trip and I just felt that maybe the two of you still may have something together if you could just find something in common to settle your differences. I didn't mean any harm and no harm is done. But I would like to see you with someone instead of sitting alone done there with your carvings. “
      “Well Ann I appreciate you thinking of me but really don’t think that is the answer for me. I read somewhere you shouldn't burn bridges as you never know when you may have to cross them again, I never burned the bridge instead I tried before her operation to make things right between us and she wouldn't hear of it . I tried to contact her after the operation and she wouldn't let me see her, then her son took over and I was supposed to relay my messages through him. Which he never answered after the first couple I sent to him so what was I supposed to do. I was beside myself, tore up, but I just had to let things be. And it is no different now. Please don’t contact her for me. And I really think Lee and you should just go on this trip alone, and heal anything you have wrong between you. Trips are good for you. I wish I could have taken mine with her. But Leann is stubborn and proud. Pride is nice but sometimes it gets in the way of a good relationship. Knowing when to walk away or when to give up instead of standing your ground till you have nothing left at all has something to be said for it. What is past is past. A lot of water has been down that river that the bridge has been burned on since I saw her last.”
      Ann again pleaded with me , “please Guy consider my offer , and as far as the money goes , I am loaded and wanted you to go along and I can pay your way , you just need someone to sit your house while you are gone . “
    “Ann I appreciate what you are saying and will consider going but would feel like a third wheel and by no means look for someone to go with me to make me feel better. It just won’t work. Besides I can support the two of you much better at home in case something happens I will be on this end to help you anyway I can. But I will think about it though. And how is Lee doing. Did he get his ball launcher working? That almost sounds crude by any imagination?” I laughed and Ann chuckled on the other end of the line.
    “Well guy he is tearing things up to get ready, covering all bases as he usually does, while trying to get his shop in order. More people are stopping in daily to b.s. with him and buy at times. It keeps him busy and helps his environmental beliefs. Not at all bad.”
     “And you Ann what are your plans since you have sold your share of the company?”
    “Well I want Lee and me to take this trip and then when we come back I think I am building us a new log cabin to live in as well as a place to show case Lee’s carvings. Maybe build him a new shop with the latest gadgets, and then go from there. I think I will have an environmentally sensitive company involved with cleanups of the environment. Maybe buy old strip mines and reclaim them, partially for government grants and as a tax write off. I could use both. Just know I need some time off and then I will get back to work again doing something. I am going to ask once again Guy, won’t you reconsider? “
    And again I replied,” not at this time Ann but may reconsider before you leave, and will leave that option open. Still think you should just go and have a good time with Lee. Bring Susie down here and I will watch her while you are gone. Tell Lee I said hello. “As I sensed our conversation was nearing the end, then she replied.
   “I will Guy and you take care.”  and with at she said bye and hung up the phone.
     I sat there and digested all she had said , and still came to the same conclusion what was done is done and can’t be the same as it once was, for some reason Leann just didn't want me . What was I to do, but accept it as I had,   and move on and I did that.  As much as I would love to see the sequoias I guess that is a trip I never will make.  

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