Monday, July 8, 2013

trip to sequoia

Ch. 11 
the Sheriff 

     Ann headed up the tree lined driveway to lee’s farm. The Chinese dinner they had planned sat quietly on the floorboard all square and neat in its plain brown paper bag container. Lee had not had the tractor out to plow the snow in the long lane. She wondered why till she came around the bend and saw the Sheriff car sitting there with its light bar all lit up like Christmas in December sending red shards of light in all directions in a rhythmic circle of on and off patterns.
     Certainly the sheriff wasted no time in getting on with the investigation as Lee and Sheriff could be seen talking outside the house and as well another person, a young lady as Ann could see by her form in the failing light of winter, and of the porch light over the door casting shadows. She doubted if the Sheriff was there to sell Christmas tickets to the Sheriff’s Ball but was instead there to collect evidence against Lee.
     She left the dinner on the floorboard and put on her gloves and hat and exited the vehicle and all eyes fell on her as she advanced the group. Ann could clearly see it was a young skinny looking frail woman who looked fresh out of high school.
    “Howdy ma’am, I can’t let you go any farther as this is a crime scene and we are not allowing any to enter. “The Sheriff said.
     Lee said to Ann,  “ We are sitting here waiting on my lawyer , sorry Ann had to get one as I need in my house to get things , we will have to wait outside with the Sheriff till he arrives and then we will all go in the house at same time . They were waiting on me when I pulled up out here and had no other choice but hire Harry James.  Have known him since I was in high school and he Is a good guy. “
   “I know Lee what you are saying this is all to crazy to believe.”
“Well since they were going to collect evidence and testimony before charging me I felt it was best to hire a legal mouthpiece who is experienced in these matters. Harry told me to make sure he doesn't go in the house till he gets here. “Said lee
      Ann asked,” It’s obvious who the Sheriff is, then who is this?”
     The young lady piped up and said “My name is Emily Reeder and I am with human services investigative team. “She answered sharply.
    “And why do you have to be here, Lee’s dad is lying in the hospital, maybe you had better go and check on him there. Didn’t know human services was playing cop now. And just how many investigations have you done? “Ann asked sarcastically.
      “We are here to protect the evidence of Lee’s dad, Carl. We need to make a full assessment of the crime scene to assure that all evidence pro or con is taken into custody and determine if we talk to the county prosecutor to prefer charges against Lee. Denying us admission to the house is getting you nowhere and only makes Lee look more guilty. “
    “Well without a search warrant he best you are going to get is a look in the window and I really am not crazy about that. The lawyer told me to tell you to wait and we will cooperate but only after he is here to follow and take notes observing your investigation. “Stated Lee .
      The Sheriff piped in at that, “Well I could get a search warrant  Mr. Mayer but the judge will not issue one till at least the morning as he likes his sleep,” he continued “ anyhow our standing orders from the judge is to  tape off the crime scene until a search warrant can be issued and to prevent anyone from entering. “
      “That is kinda where you have me “ said lee and then he continued. “ my clothes, work shoes and boots, and medicine, I need for the cattle is all in there.  I need to get in my house also as I need to turn on the water to the barn,  as it freezes in the winter and cows need watered. Nothing is getting accomplished . Well we might as well get out of the cold and sit in our cars till Harry gets here. “
        Ann says to Lee, “the Chinese is getting cold in the car. Lee please sit and eat and get warm.“
        Lee and Ann were soon in Ann’s car sorting through the Chinese food she had bought. General Zso’s chicken, also sweet and sour pork were shared by both. Lee wasn't happy with what was going on and it affected his appetite, as he soon put down the egg roll he was eating and began to talk with Ann.” Isn't this all a bunch of shit. We may never get to go to Sequoia National Park at this rate. “
      “It’s probably that little snippy bitch that is pushing this thing along lee. Wow you must have 
pissed her off , or she is just trying to make a name for herself .” said Ann  as her appetite was good and she soon devoured a large hunk of  orange coated chicken with her chopsticks, something Lee could never learn to use , and now was not the time in Ann’s car. As it would surely cause a mess, so it was plastic forks for Lee as Ann continued.
      “I didn’t think she would be allowed at a crime scene investigation without training as to how to preserve evidence. You just don’t want to let someone trample all over everything as they did in the O.J. Simpson case. “
       Maybe she is a friend of the Sheriff “returned Lee. ‘” Well the two of them can huddle up in that cruiser till the cows come home. Oh I forgot they are home waiting on water now.” She smiled at Lee's quip as he  went on.” Harry will have a field day with these guys.”
     Lights could be seen coming up the drive. Surely it must be Harry, Lee thought.

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