Sunday, July 7, 2013

trip to sequoia


           Ann and Lee waited for what seemed like hours in the waiting room. Lee had called other family members in his family and finally they started streaming in. his sister Claire and her husband bill. Claire had this take charge attitude and when she walked through door of the hospital demanded to know what was going on. Lee had not heard from the doctor and was beginning to wonder if they were going to tell him anything. He had tried unsuccessfully to inquire as to his dad’s condition but they said that he was stable and 
needed time to work on him,
 please be patient.  A security guard was escorting the doctor finally arrived after Claire had went to the desk to ask what was going on after lee briefed her. He approached the family and began to speak.
           “Mr. Mayer and family, hello I am Dr. Weinfield and I have some bad news for you as it appears your dad has slipped into a coma after sustaining his injury on his head, he was fine and only showing moderate signs of a concussion when he was admitted, but before we could run all our tests and an MRI, we began to stitch his head wound to cut the blood loss as it was substantial also. While stitching his head he succumbed to the coma. A coma is the result of pressure on the brain due to damage sustained when he supposedly fell. We believe this is injury to be a result of negligence on behalf of the care giver, Lee. “
      You are so full of bull shit lee exclaimed, I was doing other stuff when he went down “
      Calm down the security guard chimed in, we will sort this out later but on behalf of the hospital and our legal staff Lee Mayer is not allowed to visit his dad in the hospital room and is not allowed on the grounds of the hospital till this is resolved through an investigation.
We’re in the early stages of investigating and social services have called in the local sheriff to investigate you for parental abuse.
        Everyone just stood there speechless looking at the dr. then at Lee and Ann finally broke the silence and said. “You had better damn well hope dr. weinfield that you have your malpractice insurance paid up. I am afraid you are barking up the wrong tree. Lee and I will go home and leave this death trap. My lawyer will be in touch. She grabbed her bag and lee just followed unable to believe what had just transpired. His dad was now going down the tubes and he was taking him with him
      Before lee and Ann were out the door Claire asked the doctor if she and bill could visit and that she would keep lee in touch with what was going on. Lee grabbed the old f-150 pickup and sped out of town driving in a blur, not caused by the snow coming down outside but by the events this day had brought him. His dad lay in the hospital with a com and he was being accused of causing it. It was a freaking accident plain and simple lee was guilty because I happened on his watch. Lee turned on the county road leading up to the farm and failed to look behind to see where Ann was when he heard his cell phone in his pocket. It was Ann.
     Ann said” well dear, I took it on my own to go back inside that hospital and see your dad before I left to see how he was doing.
     And Lee said, “Well?”  As if pausing to hear more of what Ann had to offer.  
    “Well he was just lying there unconscious and they had monitors on him and I looked at his overall condition outside of the head wound he had no other visible bruises which is remarkable for someone who takes Coumadin regularly to thin their blood. Hope you didn’t mind. I saw Claire also and she doesn’t believe for a minute the abuse thing, but was glad I was there to get you out of the hospital before they had dr. abuse on you also. You were a bit hot. “
    “And how would you expect me to be, I take care of the man because no one else can put up with his shit and the one person who knew what happened is now in a coma, what if he doesn’t come out and say what happened and that I had nothing to do with it. Their abuse charges could lead to homicide. What a bunch of shit. Where are they coming from and why did they decide to wreck my life today. Maybe I better get a lawyer.”
    “Well it is too early for that as they still have to do an investigation. If you get a lawyer they will think you have something to hide. A lawyer could be a hindrance or help; maybe I will call ours and see what he says. I will call him now after I get off the phone. You go ahead and do your chores and calm down it will be alright dear, don’t worry. Chinese for supper ok. If that is ok, I will pick up on way home in a few, see you at the farm. Later.”
   “Yeah Chinese is ok I guess, yes see what he has to say and let me know. Later dear, love you”
    “Love you also you parent beater. “A teasing laughter followed and although it flared Lee he had to smile.
    “Love you also,” Lee said and with that hung up the phone.

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