Monday, July 29, 2013

trip to sequoia ch. 21 getting ready to leave part 1

Ch. 21
Getting Ready To Leave

     Ann hurried around the apartment  watering her plants , cleaning out the fridge , washing clothes and all those things one would do getting ready to be away from the house for a month or maybe two if they  decide. Susie’s bowl would be packed as Ann and Lee decided to take Susie with them on their trip. Getting a motel room might be a little harder but in the worst case Susie could sleep in the van or they all could if nothing was available.
   Lee was at his shop and he was gathering up all the equipment and double checking everything including going over his tree lines to make sure there were no cuts or nicks that might affect the integrity of their harnesses, and all this had to be stowed in the backpacks he bought for Ann and himself to carry their equipment into the woods once there.
     Zip lining was out as it required a cable that would be way to heavy to carry into the woods and it also required some heavy tensioning equipment, instead they found a place close to the park where they could experience the same thing only in not so tall trees but still would be quite an experience and less cost for something they will probably only use once. Instead Lee purchased descenders they could use on rope lines, cavers use them for quick descents into large chasms, this would allow for a quick and controlled slide from the trees in the event they need to exit quickly. This was another small hand held device that added little weight to the back pack.
     The tennis ball launcher worked better than Lee’s expectations. His experiments in the park with Ann and Susie had him shooting balls with fishing line attached,  at the highest limbs with ease. Recharge time by air compressor just took minutes and was easily accomplished by the battery packs and they were recharged by the solar panels. Lee was able to shoot balls with pretty good accuracy and height to achieve what he wanted to, which was to be able to put lines in some the tallest trees in North America so they could climb. Lee found a website with information on other trees and features of the Sequoia National Park including topographical maps that Lee down loaded to his I pod for future reference. These maps included features and elevations of certain parts of the park and would be invaluable to them in their quest. He also scoured the web looking for information of anyone else attempting what they were going to do. And found several stories, some good and some bad about experiences others have had. He also found out that most national parks are described as no climbing zones and that would also mean the Sequoias for sure, in addition there are very sensitive organisms that attach themselves to the bark of redwoods and sequoias making their ecosystem fragile. He was still trying to figure out how the arborists for the national parks would get around that problem and he still had no solution except rope protectors attached to the rope and slung over the top of branches. Lee had no intention of harming these giants as he would be no different than the loggers of old if the end result of his climbing efforts led to the destruction of the trees he so prized.
     Ann’s efforts at getting ready to go on the trip involved visits to the local health food store and a camping outfitter place that specialized in water bottles and dehydrated foods they could take along and rehydrate into an impromptu meal to recharge them if needed. Lee had given her specific weight limits of how much she could take along. And food was selected for its ability to energize the body, and yet be compact. Lee didn't know how far they may have to venture into the forest to be remote enough to not be bothered by the park rangers, or the general public. He wasn't looking for publicity but instead a chance to commune with nature.
       To not make any noise but to listen to what nature has to offer you. A chance to turn off the I pod speakers and just enjoy what comes to you. The beauty of a soft wind blowing through the trees, the birds chirping in the distance, a locust signaling a mate or a cricket calling to attention how lonely he is or where food is, were all experiences for the taking. Squirrels playing on the limbs you are now equal with wondering why humans just can’t leave well enough alone. With that thought Lee said to himself, it is humans quest to find beauty and understand nature no matter where it exists , just something we need to do. Ann and he were going to do it. Lee was excited and cautious at the same time.
     He had decided after reading horror stories of others who had attempted similar events that lack of experience seems to be the biggest factor in accidents happening while climbing. They planned on heading to corner,  Ohio and undergo a tree climbing course where thy would teach Lee and Ann the techniques of knot tying , transferring limb to limb in a tree , getting in and out of a hammock and other techniques including tree transfer which would allow Ann and Lee to hop trees in the forests once there. Lee felt for Ann’s safety and his it might be best if the practiced their way across the U.S. climbing trees in obscure parks where tree climbing hardly exists or authorities may not be aware of the interest in the sport. It had taken off in recent years and plenty of certified tree climbing schools exist. Youngsters as well as mature adults enjoy going out and gearing up and taking advantage of a different perspective of nature as we know it.   
    Lee was excited, as Ann was a little hesitant and scared of the heights yet but with practice Lee hoped to change her attitude. Anyhow she was a willing participant and only seeks to gain Lee s approval and would have followed him anywhere. Ann was excited that Lee was finally subscribing to allow himself to be taught the proper procedure of climbing and not allow his ego to stand in the way of their safety when it came to understanding tree climbing.   Hiring an expert to teach them was what they needed to become skilled enough to take on the giant Sequoias.  (to be cont. )

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