Tuesday, July 30, 2013

trip to sequoia ch. 21 cont.

        ch. 21 


       Ann hurried around the apartment, went down stairs to the renters apartment below and asked the Wilcox’s if they would mind watching the apartment and that Ann would be in touch with them  regarding when she would be home . They had no plans in the immediate future that would take them away from their home anytime ,  and were more than happy to get the rent reduction for taking care of Ann’s plants and watching over things for her.  Ann cleaned out the frig, and took care of all the minor things necessary for her to be gone for a couple of months. The Wilcox’s would pick up her and Lee’s mail and would let them know by phone what letters was received. Clothes , more than usual and enough for one week ‘s worth of changing for both Lee and her were packed as well as some fine dining clothes were added.  Soon she had 3 suitcases full of stuff plus her makeup. The Winnebago was sounding better all the time .
    Ann still had cameras and a cell phone chargers and not counting what Lee planned to bring. She had wished he would consider renting a road warrior recreational vehicle to carry all this stuff they had to have along for the two months they had planned on being gone. She knew what Lee would say though.
    He would probably say something like, we will spend more money on gas fueling the oil company’s pockets to go out and spend more on exploration into areas best left alone. Maybe we just need to take less. And buy what we need when we need it. n a lot of ways he as right. She just had to be conservative.
   Lee on the other hand had taken Susie to the shop and was tying up loose ends there and closing down the shop and putting up a sign stating he was away , and would return shortly leaving people to not know exactly when he would return , but instead that he would . Hoping that no one would mess with his stuff while on vacation , he did let the local police know that he would be gone and a contact number where he could be reached in case of an emergency. Lee gathered up all the equipment and placed the back packs they would be using in the back of the old pickup and drove back to the apartment.
     Ann was still fretting over things to take and not to take but had managed to gather up some kitchen equipment to make small dinners for her and Lee and of course remembering to bring along a couple rolls of toilet paper for those on the road emergencies. She still needed to talk to Lee about that Winnebago. She laughed to herself at the thought of using the bathroom outside in an emergency. Well maybe after he sees all that needs to go he may change his mind she thought. Ann heard Lee and Susie come in and knew it was only a matter of time before they would be leaving for my place to pick up the V.W. van and begin their trip. She had waited as well as Lee did for a while for this trip and would be glad to finally get under way. They both had asked numerous times as we would talk on the phone about if I had changed my mind about going and I had not as I told them . This is  something Lee and her  needed to share. She told me ok and that they would be down yet today to pick up the van and would spend the night at the cabin before starting out fresh tomorrow.
       I was working in the raised beds tending my vegetables when they showed later that evening. It was still spring and a gorgeous sunset had us cruising down the river in the pontoon boat in no time enjoying the new green of spring. As it is a much lighter green color and always accentuated by splashes of bright yellows as blooms of spring flowers would poke their way out of a winter’s sleep and announce their presence in a showy display. We enjoyed a short visit and a cruise on the boat and then tied up and sat around a fire, recanting their tales of preparation and making sure all bases were covered for their departure the next day. I listened to Lee’s enthusiasm of building the ball launcher and how well it worked and Ann updated me on all the company takeover business. They retired to the little house for a restful and well deserved sleep and I too slept soundly that night.

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