Wednesday, July 24, 2013

trip to sequooia ch 18. -anns last day

Ann's Last Day

     Lee woke up next to Ann’s body and try as hard as he could to not wake her as he needed to get out of bed to relieve himself.  It didn't work to well as she had a sleeping grip on him that when he tried to pull her hand off her  hip she hung on selfishly until it startled her awake as she lost her grip. This  didn't last long as she never even acknowledged Lee, instead just flipped over in bed, assumed the fetal position and held on to herself as she wrapped her arms around her legs and  immediately  fell back to sleep. Lee thought she looked out of it but would let her sleep till the alarm rang, and then she would ask for 10 minutes more when Lee turned it off because of the irritating buzz. So she would get that 20 minutes and want 20 minutes more, and then jump out of bed and rush around like a fool because she was late and hated it. She was so predictable that Lee never offered her that cup of coffee till he tried to stir her up the third time and then would meet her at her bedside to offer it to her. Ann was getting use to Lee being there all the time. Susie would also wait by Lee at her bedside to get her morning ‘hello’s’, from Ann and it was off to the rat race.
    Something was different for Ann today as it was her last day at Gunnite Corporation. So it was time to take the money and run, so to speak. Practically her lifetime spent at Gunnite working at one job or another and now it was time to do something else as the buyout was happening today and Ann would sign papers and receive a check and it would be all over for her . She was cleaning her office today and saying her good byes to the staff that supported her so well.
    She rushed around the upstairs apartment like a fool trying on a couple of blouses then settling for a conservative business one, then ran around looking for shoes to match her outfit and then she realized , screw it if I am late. All the time she had worked at Gunnite,she had been on time to everything or tried to be. Back to back meetings sometimes took longer than they were supposed to. But one thing her uncle said to her and her brothers was it was important to never be late in business s it is the owners that set the example for all to follow. So Ann was always in the office at 9 am , every day since she started working there except for time off like everyone else. She never tried to take advantage of her position or family ties, and in most cases one would think she was a regular employee there. Ann had  a rapport with her fellow workers and they did it out of respect and loyalty and because they liked her as a person. She wasn't a boss but more a friend. So today she was going to be fashionably late and told Lee so. Lee suggested they go back to bed and make it official but Ann laughed at that suggestion, but would secretly think about it all day long.
     Lee was much more relaxed since he started selling his carvings at the old gas station. He could imagine the place with its retro look of an old full service gas station where old pop would come waddling out of the garage with his wrench shoved in his pocket smoking a tobacco turd he would chew on at time and smile through yellow worn teeth and say ‘filler up sir’, as tobacco juice would dribble out of the corners of his mouth and then he would grab a squeegee and wash your windows making sure he got all the bug shit off and making small talk . This was the place where leaded gas fumes would seek your nostril’s as you sat in your car and waited to see if he asked to “check yur oil’. It seemed only fitting Lee would take and transform it into a carving studio. It had a large bay on the garage with a hydraulic lift that was handy for lee to set his carvings on and then he could raise and lower it as he wanted to. At times he missed the farm but at the same time he was secretly enjoying himself after losing a load of worry. Worry weighs you down faster than anything and sometimes you have to shed that weight, sometimes you choose how and sometimes it chooses for you as it did with his dad and mom. The farm was still a farm for now and appeared to be bought as part of a local farmer’s estate so it wasn't lost to the Realtor. Lee was glad for that. His brothers and his sister were happy to have received anything and Lee finally got a life with Ann. He couldn't be happier. He felt for Susie though as no longer she would run in the fields chasing him as he would run this piece of equipment or that around the field. She would run and follow as long as she could and then sit and rest and run again. She just loved being out there with him. But Susie was getting old and maybe all that running was finally catching up with her. Still every morning when Lee would say ‘let’s go’ and then she would be right there waiting to hop in the truck and drive from the apartment to the old gas station or as it is called now’ A Cut Above’.
     Ann finished dressing  and wore a black skirt,  black hose and white semi open blouse with a flap over the buttons giving it  a seamless look very professional looking blouse to be matched with a black blazer that matched the skirt. This along with a small handbag would serve her today. Having said good bye to Lee earlier as he tired of waiting on her and was eager to get to his shop, Lee left when he realized his advances to her would never  realize themselves into anything. So he was going to get out of her way as her mind was somewhere else as it should be. She had a lot to think about.
      Ann looked around the apartment and to see if everything was as it should be and that the coffee pot was off and she had her car keys and put all her makeup that she needed in the small handbag along with her purse. She was all there but not really. Her mind was elsewhere as she felt a knot in her stomach as she was now going to be unemployed yet rich beyond her wildest dreams, to never want for anything no matter how big or small. Yet what a responsibility is being rich beyond your wildest dreams ,to be able to spend money recklessly all day long flying here to there and  yet never being able to spend it all in one day if you so desired . Ann thought about it but she also had in the back of her mind images of her father and how he worked tirelessly to get his business up and moving. Once he had money flowing in he would again reinvest in something else diversifying his portfolio and never letting a business just sit on a shelf. But instead her Dad would learn everything about that business and at times would go out and do every job of every business he owned. This kept him busy and that was the reason for the small plane that he was piloting was that he could fly from place to place sometimes meeting with 5 plant managers in a single day. He felt he needed his presence seen in all plants to inspire his workers.
     Her dad took it upon himself to always pay prevailing wages for whatever type of work was performed and was able to stay ahead of the unions as his employees were satisfied. But eventually he had to accept the unions and so he used journeymen in the trades only when he needed them and they knew that. He wasn’t keeping them any longer than needed. His other faithful employees not skilled that way or were in management were taken care of also with steady work. This drive to always expand his business and to always be on top of things landed him on a hilltop in West Virginia  dead along with Ann’s mom in that plane crash .  Then it was up to Ann’s uncle to make it all work, plus raise her and her brothers. He had his hands full but was already working for her dad in a management capacity and was privy to most goings on and soon slipped into the role of president easily. Leaving in place a lot of what her dad had already established as a working profitable business and all he did was tweak the model and expand. At the proper time he passed it down to Ann and her brothers when they come of age. But the offer to buy was to good and couldn't be passed. Everything comes to an end,  for some it is a little quicker, and some a little later ,  but there is one thing you can count on in life and that was change , and Ann’s life was about to change .she was hesitant and thankful at the same time.
          She locked the door and climbed in her car snagging her hose on the corner of the door. She would stop at the convenient store and buy another pair she thought. She could change later in the bathroom at work. She thought so much about things she didn't realize she never had the radio on as she drove in silence listening to the voices in her head, and sometimes answering. (to be cont.)

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