Sunday, July 14, 2013

trip to sequoia


      Ann waited in the hallway for Susie to move and she wouldn't prompting Ann to call Lee to out of the bathroom to move her by going somewhere else in the apartment besides the bathroom as she needed to get to work. She was ready to leave for work and had her good clothes on and didn't want Susie to get hairs all over her. When Lee came out of the bathroom he sauntered on through the apartment and Susie followed on cue eventually heading out to the deck above the yard below. Lee stood and drank his second cup of coffee and waited for Ann to come out and kiss him goodbye as she did regularly before heading off to work at the Gunnite corp.
       Days had passed since his dad Carl passed away and since he sold the farm. Lee was becoming more comfortable with the routine. Soon Ann would be done with the bathroom he would take his shower and head to the edge of town where he opened up his new chainsaw carving shop. Lee had taken all those tools of his he felt he would need and placed them in storage till Ann and Lee found the right little shop to open their new chainsaw carving studio called, ‘ A Cut Above’. Lee was not only going to feature his works but also some of mine giving him a wider range of selections for people to choose from. I had given them a couple of special pieces and attached a minimum price they must sell for and Lee readily agreed to the terms. Setting my price high meant I would be paid handsomely if and when the piece sold.
     Lee’s stuff was good also but he had bills to pay so he had to sell for whatever the market paid. A rent payment was something Lee wasn't looking forward to but was a necessary evil as Ann still didn't know if they were selling the Gunnite Corporation or not. Lawyers had been working out the details of the final acquisition to both parties agreed conditions. It may be a matter of days if not weeks or in the case of lawyers a month before all the I’s were dotted and the t’s crossed. So in the meantime lee would have to be content just renting on a month to month basis a shop to work out of.
     Ann stepped out on the deck and looked radiant as always, as she stood there in the early morning sun squinting as she looked for Lee’s approval.
        Lee said, “Wow, great as usual, do you ever dress down?”
       Ann chuckled and said, “I’m an exec. I have to look and play the part. Now young man shall I call you into my office I have things I want to go over with you, actually just one.” she smiled and said as Lee came to her and gave her a hug and coffee kiss, sharing some of the moistness on his lips with her. “She says how do I look? “
    Lee said simply.” Ravishing!”
    “Well another day at the dungeon dear I am off and you are going to the shop I assume.”
   “Yes dear, still looking at having an open house there soon should have everything moved out of storage today . It will be six months since I rented that thing. Hard to believe how time flies. Anyhow will turn in the keys and grab my deposit, and be done with that. Looks like Susie needs to run in the yard .” Susie stood at the gate to the yard at the top of the stairs,  patiently waiting to go do her business. Susie had taken to living in the apartment pretty well but wasn’t to sure about all the baths Ann required her to have, but didn't seem to mind as much as she did at first as she was getting used to them. Lee started to head for the gate but Ann said.
   “See I have a treat and my bag, I will let her go down and then when she is done will send her back to you as I go ahead and head for work , give me a kiss dear,” Ann said as she was headed for the gate at the top of the stairs , and she reached down and patted Susie who came to attention as Ann neared sensing Ann was about to do something. Ann opened the gate and Susie about knocked her down as she raced down the steps to the yard. She disappeared around a bush and soon was running back to Ann who had gathered up her things kissed Lee and was headed  down the steps .
     “Here Susie.” said Ann as he offered her a treat, a doggie bone. Susie wagged her tail and ran back up the stairs and laid it on the deck where it immediately disappeared between the cracks making Susie go into fits as she tried to find it.
   “I will give her another one, she still doesn't understand gravity don’t figure. “ chuckled lee as  he waved bye  to Ann and headed back inside for another bone . Ann waved and said later dear.   
    Things were a little cramped at the apartment but it seemed as if Lee and Ann were settling in together finally. Lee liked his routine and felt so free to not have all those chores to weigh him down as he did at the farm for years. He had taken to watching TV at night , and walking Susie for her exercise then he would load her in the old pick up where Susie would sit in Ann’s seat and hang her head out the window as they drove to his new carving shop. Lee not only sold carvings but was beginning to sell for other vendors such items as homemade crafts of which he would be paid a consignment fee. Lee took his shower and dressed and grabbed Susie’s leash and another bone and headed for the deck where Susie was laying in the sun giving up her search for the lost bone. Lee offered her another and she just kept this one in her mouth till she was back down the stairs and ready to head out the garden gate.  Then ate it while Lee put her leash, on as they started their day.


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