Wednesday, August 21, 2013

trip to sequoia -ch 32. oklahoma oooohhh oklahoma

Oklahoma oohhh Oklahoma

     We had to back track for a while to Oklahoma city to a RV dealership Dealing Dan had sent us too. . He recommended this place as it was a friend of his and he assured us he would have the door fixed in no time and we could continue our journey to Sequoia without a tarp strap on our door. I would feel somewhat relieved myself to have the door fixed as I know Ann and Lee would also. Besides here we are running around in about one hundred seventy thousand dollar recreational vehicle with a bungee strap on the door, and nothing says rip me off anymore than that. We had been very vigilant at making sure someone stayed around the Road Warrior or to make sure we always kept it in sight. We would have liked to have stayed in Roxby a couple of more days but we still needed to get the door fixed so we could move on to our next destination of Mt Rushmore which is another place on our bucket list of places to go. Even Ann as well off as she was never took time in her life to ever make a trip like this and see the wonders of the United States and this beautiful country we live in. She could never take time off from her work as she always felt that when she was gone she could never relax as things would soon be screwed up. It was easier to just keep on working. Now she doesn’t have to worry about anything except who is trying to get her if there is anyone. As for Lee and myself I would have never been able to afford anything like this and neither would Lee as he was just a poor old farmer like me. This is like a dream come true for both of us to be able to travel in such class even though it has a bungee cord on the door. In fact myself and Lee probably would have never thought nothing about a bungee cord. Been using them a lot over the years and one more won’t make much difference, just a way of life with old farmers.
     Anyhow we were back on the road again , and as we went Ann and Lee now would sit with Lee in the passenger seat and the Ann  on the couch behind me, and we would talk as I drove along and discuss everything from news to who is out to get Ann if they are at all. One of our conversations led to Ann’s ex-husband Tom.
      Whenever Tom was mentioned ,you could see the anger a in Ann’s face seem to glow red  and her voice would change as she had nothing but contempt for the man and apparently has never forgiven or forgotten what an ass that man was . Yet she doubted whether or not he would go so far as to rob her now knowing she had the means to find him out wherever he may be. And Ann confided in us saying she had hired that same detective that followed Leann and stuck him on Tom for a while to see if he was the one behind all this. What she couldn’t understand was how in the world he could have found her out in the middle of the country unless he had been dogging them since they started. That was a near impossibility. As they were involved in that wreck where Lee received his stitches and then the first attempt at making the trip to Sequoia was aborted and then they had the layover at my place.
    Ann says of that drunk, “ I doubt if he would ever have enough money, or a clean license, let alone a car to follow me that much. Anyhow the detective I hired is checking into what happened to us that night in the RV park to assure to us it was random and not an intentional act of violence.”
    “So does the detective  have access to your entire information Dear or what?” Lee asked
   Ann said to us both . “I had to give him access to find out who would inquire about my credit cards or anything that would lead someone to be able to follow us. I mean how else  would they know where we were going daily. We make it up as we go along. Yesterday Kansas, today it is Oklahoma City. No one knows our itinerary , so if it was an act of random violence then so be it , but if someone is after me I want to know isn’t that ok?”
     Lee says. “Dear anything you do is ok with me. Just don’t understand how it is someone could follow you though. Like you said we make it up as we go along.”
   I asked. “Suppose they were following us by GPS or phone. Ann have you called anyone at home to let them know what we were up to like your brother or his wife, Toms sister , and maybe she passed it on. But then we have been so erratic as you say one day we are in St. Louis. GPS signal would surely be the way, if any. Lee look in the owner’s manual of this thing and see if there is any way they could track us through our GPS. That would make sense.”
     Ann says. “OK and also Guy I haven’t even told my brothers I was taking this trip as far as they know we are sitting back at your place in Stockport fishing on the river. I never even told them about going out west or anything including the wreck. I just didn’t want to worry them needlessly. The GPS makes sense is there any way to turn it off?”
    Lee says. “If you turn it off then we have no directional capability , also we will also lose our satellite internet capability as it is all tied to location when determining which satellite we are bouncing off. We would essentially go dark.”
   “Well how about if we just used it when we stopped then it would be harder for anyone to follow us if we put say three to four hundred miles between stops and went back to old school maps or map quested our directions. When we are not using the internet we just shut everything down. Also Ann maybe we need some cash on hand as every time we use our debit cards or credit cards we are sharing a lot of information . Our location and time we were there, with this information they could make assumptions as to where we are going, by tracking this information.”
      Ann said . “Listen to us we are getting paranoid about something that shouldn’t be, talking as if someone is out to get me. Why that is when you have nothing, no one could give a shit less about you, but when you have a little something you constantly have to watch your back to keep some asshole from trying to take it away? “
      “We will figure it out dear what is going on,. Hopefully your private dick will nose his way into your business enough to figure something out. In the meantime we will shut off the GPS in the Road Warrior and watch when and where we use the internet and our phones for that matter. Lee said, and then he went on , “We must all be diligent in what we do and Ann. Both Guy and i both will do whatever is necessary to protect you, don’t worry.” At this Lee swiveled the passenger seat around and went to sit beside Ann on the couch and put his arm around her and both reclined into the comfort of the couch and went silent as I looked in the inside rear view mirror I saw Lee cradling Ann’s head and lightly kissing her head as she burrowed her head into his chest. They just lay back their quietly for a while thinking and holding each other. I just turned up the music and concentrated on my driving. We were starting to enter the outskirts of Oklahoma City, where the devastating tornado hit. Apparently it didn’t bother the RV dealers. The GPS was still on an soon it was telling me to turn here and then there until I was in front of a huge RV dealership called Wynn’s RV. I pulled the Road Warrior in the lot and was soon met by the service manager an as I slid the driver’s window back and  I  told him who we were and he said he had been waiting on us and had a place in his garage for the Road Warrior . He asked if we were going to stay in the vehicle or if we had any plans. I told him that we had planned on touring the devastation left by the tornado s and that we needed our car off the back of the Road Warrior. And he could take the Road Warrior and do whatever. He said fine we could park it where it was and unhook if we were ready to go.
       I looked at Ann and Lee who were gathering their stuff and soon we exited the Road Warrior after I unhooked the bungee cord. And soon as I opened the door the step extended. Just love that thing I thought to myself as I stepped down and handed the keys to the service manager. In just a couple of minutes we piled into the Ford Escape and were driving out of the lot. The service manager said he would call when he was finished with the door. And I asked him to check all the fluids too while he had it in the shop and he said he would make sure his crew gave it the once over.
     I thought Wow , what good old fashioned service. Course this is where the money is, in high end coaches such as the Road Warrior and these guys have to compete for business. So doing a good job makes a real difference.


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