Monday, August 26, 2013

trip to sequoia -ch. 34 cont.

    Ch.34 (cont.)

    I stopped at the entrance to the RV Park and told them I was leaving and then headed down the road to the interstate looking to see if I saw Ann and Lee anywhere along the road. They hid themselves well. I climbed on the interstate after fueling up and headed for Crescent City, California. I enjoyed driving along by myself and would look occasionally in the rear view mirror for another camper or perhaps Ann and Lee , and I even caught myself looking for Leann  on her motorcycle but surprisingly it was just me and a bunch of motorists all heading in the same direction.
    I had traveled for a couple of hours and then my cell phone rang. The Road Warrior answered it as I had my Bluetooth settings finally right,  and it was Ann . Her voice came over the radio system perfectly clear and she says.
     “Hi Guy, how are you moving along there?”
     I said. “Great Ann find anyone heading out after me.”
    Ann says. “No we sat here a couple of hours and still none of the vehicles that we thought were the ones, left the RV park.”
    I asked. “Do you want me to stop or what is it you want to do.”
    Ann said. “Lee and I are going to escape in the Escape.”
    I said. “What?” incredulously.
    She said. “We are going to escape, we are going to drive closer to the coast and with all my grubby money we are going to escape. Give them two paths to follow. You head for Crescent City and we will head for a place where Lee and I can overlook the Pacific and spend the night in a hotel with full service. Maybe lounge in the pool and we will catch up with you in say maybe 2-3 weeks around Labor Day weekend in Sequoia National park.”
     I hesitantly said, “OK sounds like a plan.” I said trying to understand all she was telling me. “So you want me to hang out with Road Warrior and eventually make it to Sequoia National park around Labor Day. Anything else?”
   Ann says ‘Plenty else.’ over the speakers as she went on talking. She says. “Guy you are Lee and my self’s most trusted friend and I said I was donating more than half my fortune to a good cause. You are the good cause. I have deposited 200 million in accounts in your name and have contacted my old secretary back home to help you start buying up farm land to preserve it. Look around in the papers and on the internet and find the best bargains across the country as you are driving.  Buy to your heart’s content. If you run out of money then I have another 100 million you can go through. It will leave me with roughly 36 million but I am sure I can get by on that. So now Guy your mission if you accept it is to get me the most bang for my buck. Find me some property. I want all the mineral rights and the land must sustain agriculture and be able to produce crops or livestock. Will leave it up to you as to the details, and will let you go from there.”
     I about drove off the road on that one , instead I headed for an off ramp and pulled over on to  the shoulder , and said to Ann “Did I here you right you are giving me 200 million dollars to just go buy land ,  and I am supposed to meet you in Sequoia around Labor Day.”
    Ann says.  “Sounds about right Guy. We will be only be  a phone call away if you need me for anything. Just think Lee and myself need to get away.  We are stopping at Wal-Mart and buying us some clothes and so we won’t need much for a few days then we will contact you after we have this out of our system. You have come this far why don’t you just head on down to Sequoia and just camp out there in the tall trees and wait for us. In the meantime maybe you can figure out who is following us. The detective is still working on it, and it seems that Dealing Dan may be the culprit but we still don’t know if it is him for sure or he is acting under someone else. The detective suggested that you place that GPS locating unit on another vehicle and send it somewhere else. Hopefully they will spend some time looking for it .”
     I asked. “Can Lee hear me?”
     Ann said.  “Sure we are on speakerphone go ahead. He has been listening to everything said.”
     I said.  “Lee you are one lucky son of a whatever. Congrats on getting away.  Hope you ate your Wheaties and a couple Viagra’s sounds like someone has the hots for you. You lucky fool. You won’t be worth anything next time I see you.”
      Lee says. “ Ohhh bring it on. Couldn’t have it any better. Hope you like your new job.
    I said “Don’t know yet, would have been nice to have some advance warning besides I am already retired and didn’t need a job but this one sounds like it is right down my alley. Spending someone else’s money is always nice. It’s a good thing. You guys are suffering from spontaneous combustion that always happens when you are canned up with an old fart like me.”
    Ann says, “Guy, we could have come without you and I could have drove but we wanted you to come . The accident and Lee’s leg being injured gave us a perfect excuse to get you this far. Now you have 200 million in your accounts, and oh yes by the way when you had your debit card stolen and I replaced it, it gave me full access to your accounts. The laptop has a file with all your information you need. But the passwords are on a USB stick I left in the computer for you to use. Take it with you everywhere. Also my secretary is monitoring the money I made available to you as she has access to it also. So use what you need to do what I want and by no means do I expect you to live cheaply so I put a million in your own bank account for your expenses. So get started when you can Guy and think about how you are going to qualify the land you are buying. The purpose is to preserve farm land for later use say fifty years down the road. This will halt urbanization of our farmlands and make people become more self-conscious about land utilization earlier, as well provide much needed resources to a later generation. Just like paying it forward. How you pick which land to buy and where is entirely up to you. We have full trust in your selection.”
     “Mainly you are looking for farmland that will someday be eaten up with urbanization and is capable of sustaining agricultural growth. And you will meet me in Sequoia around Labor Day at the big trees. Sounds good. Anything else?” I asked  
    “Let’s not be hasty and just buy anything but instead take time to plan it all out. Head for the big trees and we will see you later, my secretary will call you. Later Guy it’s time to escape.”
       I said. “Later Ann be careful you and Lee, and I will see you soon.” and with that the line hung up and the radio returned automatically in the Road Warrior.
      Wow I thought to myself, a big old Road Warrior and 200 Mil and somewhere to go. What have I got myself into? I just needed some time to digest all of this. So I eased the Road Warrior on to the off ramp and crossed at the light at the intersection at the bottom of the ramp and climbed back on the interstate and was soon driving towards Crescent City alone and lot better well off than before.
    I drove along and thought of my immediate needs as I didn’t need much but still once I was in an RV park it would be hard to get anything I needed unless I unhooked the utilities and drove the Road Warrior to get it. It sure would be nice to have a vehicle to get around in since they stole off in the Escape. Maybe I will look online once I get to Crescent City. Would like to find a mint old CJ5 or CJ7 jeep, jacked up four wheel drive with a small V-8 in it to tool around in. Yeah might need it to check out some land. Having the four wheel drive will allow me to get all over the land and make sure there are no dumps or anything like that, and this can be very important when considering land. Right now I just needed some more food so I will stop when I can before heading to the RV Park. Then I can figure out what I am doing. I just drove along as my thoughts filled my mind with things I needed to do. It wasn’t long till all thoughts of Leann and the trouble with the break-ins were left behind.


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