Thursday, August 1, 2013

trip to sequoia ch. 22 - a setback

A Setback

     Ann called me not more than 4 hours into their trip and informed me they had an accident with the van and it was totaled. They were all right and should be out of the hospital soon and that lee was injured but not badly.
   “What happened?” I asked Ann.
     “Lee was stopped at a light and a truck rear ended us and shoved us through a busy intersection and over a bank into a ditch. I just have a few scrapes and lee has a gash where his leg went up against the dash. We almost took out the front window when we hit the bottom of the ditch as we were still moving that fast. I had my feet up against the dash and a seat belt on so I wasn't hurt as bad as Lee. These vans are nothing compared to the semi. That asshole claimed he never saw our brake lights, but the light was red ,  and witnesses stated he never hit the brakes till he was on us . We think he fell asleep at the wheel. Anyhow they are drug testing him and impounding his and our vehicle to investigate, and we will need a ride home and a chance to regroup, “
     “Be right there as soon as I find out where there is , you still haven’t told me where you are . And did you ever make it to the guy who was teaching tree climbing?” I asked.
     “That is where we were, in college corner,  Ohio, which is on the state line between Ohio and Indiana. We had stopped to check our location and we had just pulled back on to the road. They took us both to McCullough Hyde Memorial Hospital in nearby Oxford, Ohio. I found us a motel room for the night and have a taxi to get us there. Maybe you could head out tomorrow morning and pick up us and our stuff. Unfortunately the van is toast and anyhow they want to keep it for a while to do testing on the brake lights. Now imagine this will you Guy , we were hit on exactly the Ohio side of the line and ended up in Indiana , knocked us clean out of the state , and now both are claiming jurisdiction , and both will investigate. Twice the paperwork and what if one finds one way and the other another. We may need a Supreme Court decision. Sounds like lawyer feeding territory to me.”
     I laughed, only to ease Ann’s concern, and then she continued as she was on a roll now. “Do you remember the hypothetical question if a plane crashed on the Ohio and Indiana border where would the survivors be buried ? Of course there is an obvious answer and won’t cheat you out of it so go ahead and guess. “
      And I said.  “Survivors don’t get buried. “
     Ann says. “You took the most practical answer Guy, I am amazed. Usually you see the other side.”
    Now she had me going and I said. “What would that be? “
    “Well the other answer is who cares? They are just lawyers. “
   We both laughed and I sensed it help ease Ann’s frustration over the whole thing. I asked if they were going to need a car carrier to bring the van back and Ann said it was useless, that it might as well end up in a scrap yard out there as well as back here. The body and engine were so badly mangled and there was the small fire that soon was put out by the same trucker who hit us . Seeing smoke he grabbed his fire extinguisher and put out the flames. Wow we were close to biting the big one. Has me leery of driving and we were having a good time. We had just went over our checklist of things we forgot. Guess one was a fire extinguisher when idiots decide to knock you out of state. Oh well we are safe, kinda.  Lee is in getting stitches don’t think we will be climbing soon except into your suv for the trip home.
     The police in Indiana said that we could pick our stuff up at the impound lot after noon tomorrow so we are going to get a room  for maybe two nights then head back fresh in the morning after we get our stuff if that is OK with you. It will give lee a chance to recuperate a little. “Ann continued.
      I said “OK Ann why don’t you call me later with the motel information and I will jump on map quest and see where you are at. I can come now and pick you up if you want me to we can always go back and pick up your stuff later. “
     Ann said, “No Lee and I need to time to wind down , I will call you later after we are settled just wanted to let you know what was going . “
     “Do you want me to call anyone else like your brothers or anything?” I asked.
     Ann says.  “Doubt if that would be a  good idea , and they aren't real fond of Lee and his ideas despite Lee helping me all the time. And really I don’t care a lot about who they married to either. But they will worry needlessly and it isn't necessary. I will call them in a day or two when we are back and settled and everything is OK. Just need your help Guy. “
    “No problem Ann will be right there or at least when you need me to be there. Can I fit everything in the SUV?”
   Ann replied.” I don’t know we ended up taking a lot of stuff and we had the van loaded down pretty good. We even had a spare engine. Now it is a smashed box of useless parts.” And it was now that it began to sink home how lucky Ann and Lee were as she recanted how they had put all that work in the van and in 1 second or less, everything was wasted. All their time and effort at restoring the old girl, as lee referred to her, was forever lost.”
     I reassured her that everything was going to be ok and that they were lucky to have been injured ever so slightly compared to what it could have been. We talked some more of the details then we hung up and I waited for her to call again.

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