Saturday, August 31, 2013

trip to sequoia -ch. 36 cont.

Ch.36 (cont.)

   Darla sat over in the passenger seat and just enjoyed the trip, we could talk but at times when I was moving along we would almost have to yell to talk to each other due to wind noise. A problem with a jeep or motorcycle at the upper speed limits  If there was something she wanted me to see or I for her to see, then I would either slow down or she would grab my arm so slightly to get my attention . Usually I was already leaning towards her as I couldn’t quite keep my eyes off her and would sense before she touched me what she was up to. The coast up Highway 101 from this point on up into Oregon was breathtaking for a couple of folks from Ohio having saw little or none of this before. We were oohing and awing as we went along. the amount of driftwood along the coast was amazing , huge trees ripped out of their moorings and pummeled down a stream bed then swept out to sea dotted the coastline as often as the rocky crags.
     I remembered that I had my chainsaws as well as Lee’s stashed in one of the Road Warriors compartments and had brought them along to carve. I was in a hurry to get across the United States after we had been broke into a couple of times, and had an idea someone was chasing us. So I hurried and spent most of our time on the interstate not seeing too much, but instead trying to put some distance between us and who was following us. I passed on seeing my friend in Idaho but after seeing all this driftwood along the coast decided I was going to find me a place where I could carve.
      Darla and I would stop at various overlooks and would gaze out into the ocean and each time I would learn a little something about her previous life whether it be working at Gunnite or as wife and a mom. As most women and men assuming she was close to  my age and myself included we have usually been married at one point or another and big warning signs go up if someone hasn’t been married at our age. Could be a whole list of reasons why that may be so. She had been in a few failed relationships after her marriage, and was still reeling a little from the last one. Guess we had that in common as I was still not over Leann to some degree. She had decided to come out and work with me and accept Ann’s offer as Darla needed time to see if she had feelings for the guy left behind as she put it. Ironically that was my name and I kind of grimaced when she said that even though it wasn’t me. It just dredged up old memories. She saw it as new start and besides the money was good, in fact great, her and Ann were always great friends and as I am, would do anything for her and Lee.
   As we drove along I would just give assessments of the lands potential based on what I saw from an agricultural point of view. Some areas seemed to be rocky coastal areas that were better left alone as they are unfit for agricultural practice, areas flat and in flood plains like outside of Crescent City, California were subject to tsunami rollover where if a tsunami were to hit the coast unfortunately areas like Crescent City would soon be a disaster area. This is where some of the most fertile areas were unfortunately. I didn’t see a lot of agriculture anywhere in our travels that day along the coast outside this area as we took Highway 101 north along the coast for about sixty miles and then headed back the way we came.  As you travelled more to the interior most of the land was forested and roads in our direction back to the campgrounds were few making Highway 101 the easiest route for us this day.
      After looking at the land and assessing its potential as agricultural land I could see little in this area besides maybe the potential of using some seaside areas or possibly a fresh water source for aqua culture. Possibly raising fish in domes over fresh water tanks where they could be fed or kept. Then if a tsunami washed ashore you would lose fish and maybe some facilities but would still be providing sustainable food source.
    Most farming has to do with a single plane type of farming in two dimensions of width and length of fields. Whereas about the first foot of soil in depth is where most agricultural activity is occurring. With aqua culture you enter a three dimensional world where not only length and width of a pond or enclosure is important, but also depth, allowing aqua culture to have less environmental impact for agriculture than any other food source. We can grow more pounds of fish than we can anything in less space due to the fact it is three dimensional form of agriculture.
      The abundance of water is important to agriculture and I need to check on restrictions as to how much water may be used in a growing operation like this, and also if you can access streams or other sources for this water before settling on aqua culture and a piece of land to buy and attempt a farming scenario as this.
      I explained all this to Darla as we were sitting in a seaside diner where tourists frequent when travelling the coastal highway. The view was fantastic and as much as I like my little river fishing cabin I would much rather wake up to this every day and feel after viewing this I may have to include some reason to buy some property along the coast to make sure I have all bases covered when considering potential uses of land preserved for future generations. A source of seafood would definitely be within the realm of what we are trying to accomplish. Or at least in my mind it should be.
      This is all new to Darla as she was looking at land use from a different perspective. When Gunnite would buy a piece of property, drillers reports and engineers estimates  would indicate below ground reserves of certain ores or minerals, or whatever they were looking for in natural resources they were going to strip or mine. The potential of these reserves would b weighed against the profit potential of the finished product including environmental regulations that would require extra effort to reclaim these lands afterward. The rest of the mining and blasting was normal procedure and costs for the most part were average, per ton of material removed. But all in all they only looked at short term potential of a site, and not whether it would substantially produce food. She only worked in numbers and what it meant to profit. We are now throwing profit out the window temporarily and looking at the future and what are the needs in say thirty years for people to eat a substantial meal with home grown or locally grown products.
    In thirty years we may be eating more processed food slop similar to what we feed our animals like beef cattle and hogs, or even dogs and cats. Adore your little kitty cat and remember what the price of cat food was twenty years ago and what it will be like in another thirty years and soon you will see we will not be feeding pets but instead probably eating them,  if current trends continue. The Chinese are one of the largest producers of dog food and cat food for the United States now and must surely wonder as they sit down to a meal of noodles and dog and wonder why us silly rich Americans can spend so much on little Pooh, the kitty, or Fido the dog . When all they really are is just one good meal for them. We need to rethink what we do and how we do it in the future.
    Darla grimaced at the thought of eating cat or dog when I mentioned it and said to me there  are some things she would never do. I reminded her that synthetic foods would become more prevalent and that the days of the movie where everyone was fed Solyent Green are not that far away with genetically engineered foods becoming a staple in our modern agriculture today, with Monsanto being one of the largest corporate holders of agriculture with their patent on soybean genetics having a stranglehold on soybean production in the United States. This is also not considering what we are doing to ourselves by eating their products and possibly ingesting the same triggers that make the soybeans genetic’s so special, and what this could possibly be doing to alter human genetics. We do not understand the science totally and have no business implementing changes on a mass scale to satisfy someone’s profit margin. It is wrong.
    We had a nice talk as we walked back to the Jeep. Soon we passed a roadside beach park and I stopped and we walked along the beach for a while, till I was tired and figured she was too. We returned back down the Redwood Highway and back to the Road Warrior and I pulled out a couple of lawn chairs from the sliding compartment under the Road Warrior and we sat and talked till dark. She mentioned that she needed to head back to town and that we would try again tomorrow only heading south. We decided that by just looking around at the potential of these areas it would give us a better idea of which properties we were looking for.
    I walked Darla to her car and she thanked me for a wonderful day and I reminded her it was all in a day’s work. I watched as she drove away through the tall redwoods and wished she could have stayed but I sorely needed a joint to just relax.  At the same time didn’t really want her to know just yet about my recreational drug use and what I was up to. I started a fire and just sat there in the camp light and reflected on the day’s events trying to remember all I had seen including the beauty of Darla’s smile. I must forget Darla I said to myself as I still couldn’t tell if she was even interested in me besides our working arrangement and  I tried to remember instead Leans face and images of her riding on her motorcycle came back to me when I saw her outside Oklahoma City if it was her. I went in and checked the security system and the cameras and found nothing out of the ordinary. Apparently whoever is following us has now lost us.

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