Wednesday, August 28, 2013

trip to sequoia ch. 35 cont.

Ch. 35(cont.)

      I awoke to my cell phone going off as I had a phone call coming in it was Ms. Goins and she said she was on her way out to the campsite and that she would be there soon . She was giving me a heads up .
       I said fine that i would put some coffee on. I looked at my cell after hanging up and it was seven thirty two. I thought to myself I hardly get up at eight , and she is a woman, surely she must have started at five thirty to be out here this early in the morning . I hate those people, as they are always trying to steal a few more hours out of the day.
I slipped into my shorts I had on yesterday and grabbed a t-shirt and then headed for the sink. I took out the coffee and dumped yesterday’s grounds as I never remember to dump the old grounds out as I should and then grabbed a new filter and poured in the water needed. Coffee was done , on to cleaning up the Road Warrior . I just needed to pick up a few things as I let things slip since I knew I wasn’t going to see Ann and lee for a few weeks .i expected Ms. Goins but not quite so early. It seemed like no time till I heard the doorbell ring on the Road Warrior. It was her already I said to myself as I was hurrying around. She must have been driving through the gates to the campground when she called me. I looked and saw she had a young ageless appearance to herself. She looked quite business like in a dark gray skirt with hose , hardly see any woman with age on in hose anymore and she had a matching  blazer and was carrying a laptop case. She also looked bored as she waited on me. I said what the heck she is to pretty for me to worry about might as well be myself. So I just went ahead and let her in.
      I said. Come on in Ms Goins I just woke up when the phone rang you will; have to excuse me I haven’t had a chance to shower and had no idea you would be so early.
   She said.  “Sorry Guy but I had a room next to couple who yelled at each other all night about petty stuff. Now I remember why I am divorced. Anyhow that is the reason I am early just couldn’t relax s I thought I might as well just get moving ”
    I smiled and said come on in and have a cup of coffee while I finish getting ready. I had shorts and a t-shirt on and grabbed my clothes and headed for the bathroom, and on my way I said to her. Help yourself to the coffee the cups are in the cupboard and the milk is in the frig. Ann has some of those hazelnut creamers women like and sugar is in the canister on the counter. Feel free to look around and find what you want.
     Ms. Goins headed to the counter and started searching through the cupboard the coffee pot was steaming belches indicating it as finished brewing. I just headed to the bathroom to shower and wash my hair. My hair is never right till I wash it daily. Soon I emerged all fresh and my hair slicked back and drying as I could comb through it. I saw a cup of coffee for me and thanked her and said “Sorry excuse my manners I was supposed get a cup for you Ms Goins.”
    She smiled and said “That’s ok Guy and my first name is Darla, feel free to call me by my first name. We will be working together for a while I hope.”  
    “Oh you mean it isn’t Ms.?” I laughed as I said it.
    She smiled and took a sip of coffee as she offered no reaction.
    I thought tough audience. Then I asked her how her flights were, and what she thought of the area so far, mainly small talk she engaged in lightly, and then as a matter of fact dived into business where undoubtedly she was more comfortable at spilling out the truth as she saw it. She said to me.
    “Guy we need to talk, about why I am here. I am here to work with you. Ann called me and asked me to handle her money since she left Gunnite. This is what I do and have been doing for Gunnite per Ann’s orders I have been spreading the money out in various accounts all over the country. Also I have invested to a limited extent in the stock market leveraging her money we allocated to new high profit returns, yielding her even more money. The problem is she is taking a hit on her taxes since she still has a lot of income being generated and we need to find a tax loophole and you are it so to speak. 200 million is available to you on a limited basis. And I need time between purchases to arrange a smooth transfer of money to allow you to purchase the property you are supposed to according to Ann’s expectations.”
      “We are going to set you up as a not for profit and you need to come up with a catchy name to for your endeavor and a business statement allowing everyone to know your full extent in say a sentence of about 10 words or so. This will allow other donators to also jump in for a tax write off. Also this will be set up as trust and two hundred million will eventually end up in the coffers but only when I see fit to allow the money to go there and protect Ann’s investment. More or less we intend to fund it with money we would normally pay in taxes had she had no tax shelter at all. People will be helped and as I understand it your ideas about setting aside land for agriculture will be realized and you yourself will be better off. It’s a win-win for everyone except the taxman. But this is what business is for, to provide jobs and fill needs.the necessity for moving so quick, is that this has to be done the same year she receives her money or in the same tax year. ”
    I said. “Whew that was a mouthful and only hope I live up to your expectations. So basically I am involved in the acquisition of properties and you are responsible for the money part making available financing when I need it.”
    Darla said “Yes,” and then reminded me, “you also have 1 million in your own account and it is available to you anytime for whatever purpose you desire. Also I have an equal amount in my account as Ann saw fit to make us equal in pay for making this not for profit happen . If we let her money go to taxes then it will be used for senators pet projects in their states or to finance a war. The only way to really control government is to limit its resources and avoiding taxes is one of them. It’s the American way unfortunately. It is hard to get patriotic about our country when Senators and Representatives seem to care less about doing their job than polishing their image. I put everything but what I need to exist in a 401 k for now and suggest you do the same within the next tax year.”
      Wow this woman knows too much I thought and way too much about me already. I said I would take it under advisement and left the subject at that. I still have not checked my balance or anything since my cards were stolen in the first break-in of the Road Warrior. Ann was paying for everything.  I looked at the expensive suit Darla wore,and realized she  surely was  trying to make  good impression and here I was half asleep dressed in shorts and a t-shirt when she arrived and now, not a lot better, but clean anyhow . She never seemed to relax and was very businesslike even after we went on with talk of how things should work. She asked of my ideas of what Ann wanted, and how I could implement them.
     I had come to the conclusion we would have to take time to try and assess the properties on their agricultural value based on future expectations. First we look for bargain land usually in large tracts as it is harder to find buyers that are willing or capable of offering the kind of money it takes to sway a potential landowner into signing. Second we have to look at conservation of the land versus continued farming. Some land that is being farmed would much better be used as recreational or park land set aside for leisurely activities. Third the land if it is capable of being farmed could be kept in continuous farming with the current operators or someone who would cash rent the land and abide by our environmental and conservation practices. Fourth the land should have an assessment as to how much conservation practices are going to cost to permanently preserve the land and reduce soil and water runoff. Some parcels will just be suitable for tree planting and should be treated that way due to topographical concerns. Hills to steep, resulting in too much soil loss etc., this type of land will be forever forest and will be put into a regular cycle of forest management in an effort to reduce global warming. Trees are the only known and proven method of locking up carbon in our atmosphere. This should be our primary focus as the trend seems to be to increase planting and people are willing to do their part. We need to give them a place they can do it. We should invest in areas where the average citizen can come plant their worth in trees; this is determined by their use of commercially available products such as toilet paper, paper products, land cleared for developments, etc.  used to keep them in the last year with commercially available products. We can never have too many trees only to the point it affects our agriculture.
     So we need to take into account all these four items and more as we go along in our assessment of the properties. As I started reeling off my thoughts to her she slipped her hand into her valise  and pulled out a notebook and asked if I minded I said no but I still felt unease as she would make faces as I was talking and she was writing. Occasionally she would stop me and ask me to clarify a position but for the most part she seemed intent on listening to my every word. Imagine that, a woman that listens to me I thought. And even more, takes notes, be still my ticker. But then again Ann was paying her the same as me and she had a vested interest, as I did to get along. So in reality it was the money she was listening to.  Typical woman I thought. And I thought she was here for me, and then I laughed to myself at that thought.
    She seemed awful stiff at times and hardly smiled no matter how much I would jest, instead she would just ignore the jest and just prod me along as we had work to do. After about five hours of her picking my brain and the Road Warrior getting smaller by the minute I had to tell her enough for the first day. She asked of tomorrows plans and I told her we would look at properties and told her I would have a list,. I asked if she was hungry and she said she was, so we agreed to meet at her hotel and then grab a bite downtown at a deli somewhere. I told her I would meet her at five. It was three already and doubted it would give me enough time from the grilling I got today to put up with her over dinner tonight. I was surprised when I went to pick her up. She seemed like a new woman having reinvented herself in such a short time.

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