Tuesday, August 13, 2013

trip to sequoia -on the road again?


On the Road Again?
      Lee and Ann knew I took off in a hurry for some reason but I didn't really share the information with them till breakfast in the morning as I pulled in late with the Hummer and just stuck it in the garage , they were already in the Road Warrior and the lights were off and I wasn't really up to conversation with anyone at that point. My head was still reeling with thoughts of Leann and why this had all come about at this time in my life. Was she just trying to send me a message? Unfortunately the only I message I received was she wanted her shit back. I was more than glad to give any reminder of any time we spent together back to her. Just glad she didn’t have any more, or made herself more at home at my place.
     One girlfriend refused to come and get anything after spending ten years with her. Again I was very much in love with her and her stuff sat around my house for six months after I pleaded with her time after time to come and get it. Once a month I would contact her and she said she would come, and knew when I was at work and my schedule but still refused. It was like a frigging museum of her knick knacks and mementos. It drove me frigging crazy. Finally I just ended up selling the place and then one last time I called her up after I had packed and moved all her stuff just inside the front door and left it there, as I wasn't taking it with me. I told her to come and get it. I was out of there. She finally came and picked it up. Never heard from her again till one day I was selling veggies along the road almost three years later and she stopped and we talked awhile. It was strange I never harbored any ill feelings towards her but as she stood before me I knew I had made out better by looking at her tired body. They say it’s not the age but the mileage. Don’t know what she did after she left me but the woman that was in front of me was a stranger I hardly knew, even after ten years of being together. We were supposed to meet again as she had ordered veggies off me but she cancelled and I am glad. I loved her but it just wasn't there anymore. Maybe it was the bittersweet memories of her. The lack of returning our pictures of us together that she didn't want, or whatever, it was never going to be the same.  There was too much water under the bridge for me to cross that way again and to long apart to care.
    Oh well Babe and me were up the next morning as I prepared to get myself ready to set off for Sequoia. I had a Dr.’ s appointment every 6 weeks and so I cancelled for 3 months thinking this would give us enough time. And then I had the Dr. Order my prescriptions to cover that time and made notes to go to pharmacy and pick them up so I could have them with me.
    Since they enacted the medical marijuana law, I had been growing my own and so I devised a way of concealing enough to take with me along on the trip. My doctor gave me a standing prescription although I knew it was useless in any other state but Ohio, I still took it along with me also. I took less than an ounce figuring maybe I might secure a local connection somewhere out there if my supply ran low. Just didn’t want to appear to be a drug smuggler rolling around the country dispensing good fortunes by the lungful’s.
     I contacted my friends on the farm and asked if they would watch Susie and Babe for me and they readily agreed as they could use the money and also they loved dogs and what was a few more to theirs as they would just be playmates. It was agreed we would stop by their place and visit with them on our way out to California. I was not quite sure when we were going to leave so left the date open and told them I would call when we knew.
    I also explained to Lee and Ann all that was going on since my trip to Mc Donald’s to return Leann’s stuff, and they were glad for me but also Ann had mentioned that it would have been nice if Leann had wanted to get back with me. I told her she was almost rude to me when she stated that wasn’t the reason she had called. Ann said Leann may have caught wind of something going on with me or she was testing the water. She said give it some time . I said I will try but at this point I have no option but to move on. If she runs fast enough she might catch me. If not I guess it wasn’t meant to be. I mean how long and how much is a man supposed to take before he just has to give up all hope. I am there, sorry Leann.
      I told them about dropping off Susie and Babe at the farm on the way out west and asked if there was anything they needed to do. They said that most of what they had to do was already done since they were already to go once before.  Lee had to get the stitches out of his leg and the doctor in Oxford made arrangements with a doctor in Marietta to take care of removing the stitches, forwarding what medical information he had to the doctor and Lee set himself up an appointment for the following Tuesday to remove his stitches and then they would know more if a trip was in store.
       We spent the following days before leaving finalizing our itinerary as we outlined all the features of all the places we wanted to visit. We were going the north route across the United States. First travelling to St. Louis and then spending time around the Mississippi River and then heading for Kansas and then North Dakota criss crossing the United States visiting the national parks and enjoying a loose schedule allowing Lee to heal himself as we went on. We spent a night in a local park making sure everything was working great in the Road Warrior,  it did .
   Ann and Lee had spent every night in the Road Warrior only opting to shower and use my bathroom as it was tied up on my river lots to the electric and water. I had no auxiliary sewer but the trailer park at the campsite had a flush station, and this is one thing we needed to check before leaving. The Road Warrior took a shit by itself quite easily. Being able to access these facilities on the road makes all the difference when you are travelling, and making sure they work is a priority.
    Lee’s leg was less stiff but his back was now hurting as he had shifted his body weight to compensate for the stiff leg and it was now starting to hurt him in other places. He said he only hoped his leg would heal before he went completely to hell. Looking at his unbandaged leg, it appeared to be healing nicely, and the row of stitches looked like they were pulling at the skin now. The doctor had prescribed a topical cream and this seemed to be working good and would give him some relief when he applied it and keep the skin supple around it. 
      Tomorrow he would have the stitches out and again they were prepared to leave having stored their entire tree climbing equipment in the Road Warrior and even if the doctor refused to allow him to go on the trip, Ann and Lee felt they were still going. I had all my ducks in order so to speak and was ready to go. I would miss having Babe along with me but I really don’t think leaving the dogs in the motor home for extended periods of time is a good idea. And this included Susie. I felt they would both be better off on the farm.
     Going over in my mind I couldn't think of anything to do or bring and Lee and Ann felt the same way. The Road Warrior offered plenty of space and comfort. If there was one thing I really wanted to have along it would have to be Leann as it was supposed to be our trip. Oh well life just throws you curve balls at times, and sometime you just have to swing, even if you can’t hit the ball. I swung and I missed. Did all I could do. And now I must move on.

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