Sunday, September 1, 2013

trip to sequoia - ch. 36 cont.

Ch. 36 (cont.)

    Well since the federal government decided to not prosecute marijuana related offenses back in Aug. of 2013, life has been much simpler for pot users. ‘ I mean like wow man –you jus keep messin wi my head’, as  I say sarcastically. Thomas Jefferson our president grew it at the estate that is on the back of a nickel, Monticello. Yet in society it is slowly growing acceptance and is slowly regaining the popularity it had back in the 70’s and 80’s when a lot of the baby boomers were experimenting in casual drugs of all kinds. Pot or marijuana is and has always been a mainstay. I personally believe it is something better enjoyed in privacy. And I usually use alone or with some close friends. Clyde and I smoked regularly as I would sit on my dock alongside the Muskingum river drowning worms. Nothing as relaxing as sitting there watching the river and just seeing thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of gallons of raw power speedin its way to the Gulf of Mexico, while at the same time I am just focusing on the river while listening to ‘Elvira” on a country western station and trying to drown out clyde in my mind. As he is   droning on in his slow talking mode about how much he likes his sister in laws butt. I never thought life could get better than that. I still had Leann on my mind and was doing pretty much what I wanted, but I was immune in a way to everything going on around me.  I didn’t stress anymore, I was relaxed and looked for work to do as I felt great in my singularity. I wouldn’t go anywhere all summer if I didn’t take the boat to go. I even carried the gas I needed along with groceries back to the pontoon and would mix oil and gas for the engine. At the same time I sat carvings along the road and advertised on the internet some of  my carvings for sale.
     And I sold well. Once in a while Ann and Lee would pop in for a weekend but besides being lonely, I was in my Shangri La . Could have cared less for anything more as the bills were paid , some money in the bank and a boat  to go to  town with , who could ask for anything more?
     Money changes everything as now I am driven by two factors. One a woman I have been paired with , with which I have to be on the top of my game for all the time in a business sense, yet in some ways desire more. And the other is the money. Money to finally make a few dreams come true and  to be able to leave a legacy behind  where you can prove that you left the world a little better and  also to have enough money to know that I will be comfortable if I don’t live beyond my means. The money put in trust by Ann will in part bolster a lot of my theories of which I can say in most instances say they were not mine but from a collection of people I have mentored over the years and just brought together in a hopefully uniform manner to be enjoyed by those that feel the same way I do. But along with all that comes responsibility.
     I rose early as if Darla was about to call any minute and today I wanted to at least I have my shorts on when she arrived. But instead there was nothing until at least eight thirty, and then there was a cell phone call . it was Darla and by now I had showered, shaved, and had 2 cups of coffee and was running my mouse all over southern California on my Google Earth App. looking for unusual places to show Darla as we went along. I withheld on that joint last night and  when I arrove at the Road Warrior last night, I just crashed on the couch and woke up long enough to make it to bed and slept again till I arose this morning. I was beat from all we did and all the walking  yesterday , and was kind of glad when she took longer to call this morning , I needed that time to recuperate and apparently she did also.
    After greetings Darla says to me over the phone. “Guy , sorry I am late , started early but received a call from Ann and Lee and they said I could just tell you what they were up to and how to get ahold of them. They said they are still going to meet us in Sequoia National Park , on Labor Day at twelve noon , at the General Sherman tree , and I guess you know where that is Guy, and that they will be taking an Alaskan cruise for the next two weeks and that I am supposed to go along with you in the Road Warrior and turn in my rental car and  I said I should ask you first if that is ok, is it?”
     “Wow that was a mouthful; you get straight to the point. So let me get this straight. I who have lived alone without a woman, for two years and longer on a permanent basis, is supposed to take you currently homeless millionaire into not my home, but my so called employers rolling abode , and what, give up their bed and go back to sleeping on a couch bed, so that you can be more efficiently available to me on a business basis? Sounds like a plan to me. “ I laughed at the thought of how Ann seemed to have this all worked out , and that Darla may easily be a willing participant.
     “Well guy when you put it that way it kinda sounds like I am imposing?”
    “ I am sorry just , having a hard time grasping it all but in a way it does make sense So ditch your car and I will come pick you up.”
       “ I can’t right now I am shopping at the mall and need to pick up some stuff then I will call you.”
     “No problem , how long are you going to be? Have a few things I can do till you re ready. ” I asked
     Darla asked. “Do you think you could pick me up in a couple of hours ?”
       “ Sure sounded good to me , call and tell me where, and I will come get you , you poor homeless thing.” I laughed as I was saying that. Darla couldn’t help laughing either at the thought . Then I said to her after a pause of uncomfortable silence.   
   “ Later darla.”
    “ Later  guy.”
     I pocketed my smart phone and set about heading outside and lighting up that bad boy joint  I had from last night . A two hour reprieve, enough time to relax a little. I started smoking and thinking about things as I usually as I am getting high. I design stuff in my mind, write songs, crazy ones, but I still write them and todays subject seemed to be whether Darla was weed tolerant or not. Heck I still haven’t figured out her age hoping mentioning songs while we were driving along hoping it  would trigger a response like ‘that came out when I was 16’, giving me a rough approximation to her age, and io am good at guessing ages usully,  but she almost looked thirty five. And then she has raised two kids and is putting them through college. I would ask but I was always told never ask a woman her age. But I am sure she has all my personal information and surprised she doesn’t have a copy of my fingerprint on file. In fact, I think I gave all that to Ann when she was replacing my credit and debit cards after the first break-in of the Road Warrior. Ann  just faxed all of my information including a picture and a thumbprint of my right hand to Darla who did all the work for Ann, while Darla was still at the Gunnite Corp.. so Darla knew everything about me and I know little of Darla except that Ann paid for Darla to go to college and become a CPA, and this also helped the Gunnite Corporation as the IRS has a tendency to question more items on taxes when the main accountant has a vested interest in controlling the operation. So Darla has had some major experience in marketing and controlling an operation the size of Gunnite.
    Thinking about having Darla in the Road Warrior all the time made me realize I needed to get off my ass and get that thing cleaned up. The nice thing about the Road Warrior is that it has an in the wall vacuum. All you have to do is pull the electric wand out of the closet and plug in the wall adapter then  the beater bar suction will make quick work of the carpet. Then it was a matter of picking up my stuff around the inside the cabin of the Road Warrior. I placed my pot outside in a back storage compartment, so that if at some time I needed to slip away and not be noticed while we were travelling together, I could just grab it out of there and just head out . For the next month we will together running around the country together tenty four hours  day as business associates. This could be maddening and frustrating also. But still maybe this is what I need. Already I am starting to worry about this and that, and my appearances more. It isn’t all bad I told myself. At least not yet.  (To be cont.)

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