Thursday, September 26, 2013

back to the farm - followup on novel

Back To the Farm 

      Above is a lace vine i planted last year but continue to hold on to and enjoy watching it grow and bloom. Need to take some cuttings off of it to start more . I have also have an elephant ear plant in the greenhouse and need to start cuttings off of it too. i currently have a wide variety of seedlings for sale and now is a good time to buy trees to plant for windbreaks and in some ways fall is a better time to plant trees than spring as the moisture necessary to sustain young trees is more readily available them time to establish new roots. it is also a good time to fertilize and prune for growth all your trees as you can. 

Spider plant w/ elephant ear on side of stand. 

2 new carvings available. 

    Well I kinda got used to writing in Microsoft word and doing all my editing through it so this I what I plan on try to do in the future. In a way it kinda works for me allowing me to say what I want much easier. The book is done and it was an accomplishment for me and I plan on selling it so far. I also have plans for more books along the way, just not now. Instead I plan on giving you some insight as to how the farm has been coming along, my future plans, and carving events I have coming up.
     It has been quite the experience getting up daily and writing four to five pages of manuscript daily. The novel ‘Trip to Sequoia’ was 452 typewritten manuscript pages and took me approximately 3 months with only 2 days I missed that I didn’t write daily. That is kinda why I am writing now at 6 am. I couldn’t sleep and I was lying in bed wondering what I was going to write about now. I had never planned to try and sell the book in its present form understanding the early chapters were a little rough.
       I received a lot of complaints from people who wanted little things like maybe some editing while I was just trying to get my thoughts down on the puter. So I have an editor in place and editing should begin soon. Following that I plan on marketing the book if I can through a publisher. Granted I shared it all with you but still have a limited amount of exposure as compared to publishers who can market it much better. Should that fail I still plan on selling dvd’s of audio and the typed manuscript and will attempt to see what it takes to make an mp3 file that will allow you to download the book from my website to your tablet or pc. Of course if you followed the story then you may not need any of it.
      I would like to thank all of you for following my story as I went along on my ramblings. I was inspired by a certain person to write it from the beginning being told I would never be able to write a page a day consistently, at least not long enough to write a fiction novel. Thanks certain person for your negative inspiration as telling me I can’t do something is a challenge I have always appreciated more than most. You remind me of my dad. His negativity had inspired me to do all he did in life and more. And if in the future I need a positive role model I know now where not to turn.
    Maybe it’s those thorns in the side we need at times in our lives though that shape us and make us better people. Adversity through failed marriages, relationships, hard times, is unfortunately the impetus we need to change our lives in positive ways. Knowing you have been that way before and have no intention of returning down that path has inspired many a more lives than positive influence I truly believe.  It also inspires intestinal fortitude or the guts to make your life better and to take chances to resolve to change your life permanently in the positive way that the negative person could never believe. Forever changing how they may feel about you.  Unfortunately that person I cared so much about is no longer in my life but is in my book and my memories, and shall  forever remain there as a memory . I wish her the best and dedicate the novel to her. And also want to say thank you for being negative. I guess in some ways we all need to hear it some time.
    Wow I guess I kinda went on here and will save some thoughts for the blog as I go on in the coming days. I would like to thank my readers and those 20 or so of you who deserve a signed copy of a the dvd I plan to distribute to you when completed . This will be my home version. All I need is for you to write to my email at This is not my regular email but one I use for things like this. After I complete my editing of the book and attempt to sell the manuscript I will delete all of my entries regarding ‘ Trip to Sequoia ‘ . So if you haven’t read all of the book and intend to I would suggest you get after it . If you would like a signed copy and were in your best conscience daily readers, please leave your email and tell me what you thought of the book bad or good. Remember negativity inspires. Lol -kev

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