Tuesday, September 3, 2013

trip to sequoia -ch. 37 eureka!

Ch. 37

    The next morning I was awake before dawn and sat in the Road Warrior and was wondering what I had agreed to. I felt like hell as my bones ached and I had to use the bathroom and after that couldn’t get back to sleep, tossing and turning knowing Darla would probably be up soon. The door to the bedroom was slid shut and I never heard her use the bathroom or in fact anything from in there. It’s as she somehow slipped out through the closet and outside the back access door and stole my Jeep and headed into town and is now sleeping away in a comfortable bed in the Sheraton. While I get the fold out couch bed with that god awful bar in the middle of my back that is supposed to provide support but instead is like a spear of pain. It just isn’t fair I thought as I started coffee since I couldn’t sleep, I was here first.  It’s my chivalry that gave her the good bed to sleep in. The least she could have done was refuse, but instead greedily accepted the bedroom as hers. Damn women I thought as they are always taking. Guess I will learn some day and quit being so giving.
    As soon as the coffee started brewing it was no time before Darla finally slid open the door to the bedroom and appeared to in fact have spent the night in the Road Warrior as her hair was standing straight up on her head in an almost laughingly manner . I smiled and said ‘good morning’ assuming she never looked in a mirror before coming out into the day. She looked at me and said.
      “Please don’t look at me till I have had some coffee.”
     I said to her. “Kinda touchy this morning?” and chuckled a little at what I said.
     Darla says.  “ I don’t do well till I have coffee, in fact I don’t do nothing till I have had my first cup.”
   “Let me get you a cup,” I said as I rose to grab her a cup and continued.  “How do you take it?”
   “Usually intravenously,” she said,” but since you lack the tools, then how about 2 creams and about 3 sugars.”
     I grabbed a good look at her and they say you judge a woman’s beauty by how well she looks in the morning and Darla passed the test excepting the hair thing. Her raw beauty was only detracted by a few age lines at the corner of her eyes and even though she slept all night had no bags below her eyes. I still couldn’t figure out her age and would try my best through conversation today to find out just that one piece of information. Not that it mattered to me but at same time had no desire to go too far out of my age range if I was going to date a woman, again if she was even emotionally capable of even wanting anything to do with me beyond a professional basis. It is kind of an unusual arrangement we have starting here for working purposes and don’t know really what to think. But if she is at least twenty years younger I don’t think I could date her. Nineteen, maybe, I say to myself and chuckle.
      I served her coffee as she sat down in the captain’s seat and tucked her legs under her. She had on a long night shirt that barely covered her legs as they were folded beneath her.  A small amount of cleavage was exposed causing me to avert my eyes from hers as I offered up a fresh cup coffee syrup to her. It was slightly viscous and reminded one of cream colored maple syrup after adding the condiments per her orders. I watched her reaction as I was adding her sugar and she made sure she was given the full allotment of sugar as if it was gold I was pouring into her cup.
     She sipped gently at the coffee and a wide smile came across her pretty lips indicating I had done my job well and said ‘thank you’ as she eagerly supped her coffee. Becoming more alive by the minute as if the sugary mess stimulated something in her inner psyche and soon she was beginning to come around and asked what the plans were for today.
    I returned with. “Well we had discussed moving on down the coast and exploring some more. Isn’t this great we get paid to travel the country in a motorhome and visit all the places I always wanted to. Don’t know how you feel, but I am kind of looking forward to this more each day. So you think you can drive this thing?”
    Darla quickly comes back with a, “Hell no. don’t think I am even going to try.” I laughed never expecting her to come back with that response.
      I said “Well I was first on board and I should have dibs as to who gets to ride in passenger seat and since I drove this thing all across the country I feel it is your turn now.” I teasingly laughed at the thought.
    She looked at me and said “Guy it’s too early, are you serious?”
     I said. “Not really but would suggest you do learn sometime as you never know when you may have to.”
    She returns with.  “I have Enterprise Rental cars 24 hr. hotline number and they will deliver me a car anywhere I want, and I have plenty of money to pay for it. So there!”
    I laughed and continued ribbing her saying, “Well I would hardly believe you would back down from a challenge I guess I misjudged you.”
    She laughed at that thought heartily exaggerating how misinformed I was and came back with. “Well I accept the challenge and think I have handled it pretty well. You really don’t want me to drive, we will never get anywhere. I hate driving a car. I lived 10 minutes away from Gunnite and it would take me a half hour to get to work and most of the time I walked. Everyone thought it was for my health. It wasn’t I just hate driving. I am too cautious and take forever. I have been pulled over ten times because I was taking too much time at a four way stop near my house. Police thought I was drunk or high because I sat there terrified. One even suggested I just take a taxi he was getting tired of pulling me over. I hate driving. Now do you want me to drive?”
    I laughed and said. “Guess not but maybe we can work on all those fear issues you have about driving.” I said. “So have you been like this all these years?”
    Darla took a long sip of coffee slurping a little as she did and said. “Yes for 32 years since I first had my license I have been a passenger for the most part. It was hard after my ex and I separated as I then had to do all my driving. Needless to say I was confined to my house for a long time until I finally decided I needed to get out more and started venturing away on little trips. That is why I would get up so early at the hotel because I take forever to get anywhere and figured I wanted to impress you with an early show up, so would bust my butt to get out of the hotel and be able to meet up with you before noon. I was only so glad when Ann mentioned me pairing up with you. I think if I had to drive everywhere and stay in hotels then I would have went back to Ohio and gave Ann back her money or seen if there was some other way to work with you. So thank you again Guy for allowing me to come with you and if you think I am going to drive the Road Warrior , it may be only because we took a wrong turn and are on a trip to hell or at least we will be.”
      “Wow two cuss words from you this morning. You are tarnishing my image of you. I think your halo slipped a little.” I jokingly said. Now knowing that she was roughly fifty, I felt we were within that 10 year age limit as I was 60 and we really were not that far apart in age. And she does have a sense of humor. It seems she awoke with a feisty side to her. She smiled as I made the little comment about her swearing and said.
    “Well you know what I have to say about that don’t you. Nothing but I do have something to show you.”  She slowly puts up three fingers on one hand with her little finger folded across her palm along with her thumb then with the other hand, peels down the index finger on one side, and by now I knew what she was doing as again she peels down the ring finger and folds it into her palm along with the index and little finger and thumb leaving the middle finger fully exposed and staring at me. I laughed as she did.
      “Wow you do know how to hurt a Guy, so to speak. Don’t you?’ I said.
     She laughed.  “Why Guy I would never hurt you. She said teasingly. So what’s up for today I want to take a shower and have some breakfast? Let’s get this show on the road. God I feel like a gypsy. Need one of those flowing paisley skirts and a crystal ball so we can travel around the country telling fortunes and reading palms,  are  you game?  Must be the road life I guess and I only spent one night in this thing.”
   I was having a good time talking to her and asked if she wanted another cup and she heartily said yes and a little more sugar please. I laughed at that thought. Knowing that if it was me  I would look like the  Pillsbury Doughboy in no time if I drank coffee like that. I offered her another cup of syrup and told her of my plans as apparently it was up to me to determine where we were going as she wasn’t going to be much help in that department.
   “We are heading down to Fortuna and stopping there for a few days at the River Walk RV Park in Fortuna, California. We are going to stop first in Eureka and have dinner at the Eureka Inn where President Reagan, of who I’m not that fond of, and Sir Winston Churchill, whom both had ties to this place, as both frequented and stayed at the inn and hotel in diplomatic trips. They say it has a unique interior that is grandiose at the least and should be enjoyable to see. Then we will head to the River Walk RV park as it is in the heart of one of the best stands of California Redwoods and is along the Eel River. Also there is gambling casino close to their if you like that.”
    Darla says, “Never really was much of a gambler and prefer to keep my money but like to see different things.”
    “They also have a lot of coastal features and old Victorian mansions to visit. So we can probably spend a couple days, to a week seeing all there is to see and checking out property. Does this sound like a plan to you?”I asked of Darla as she uncrossed her legs and was nurturing her second cup of coffee as she stood up and asked if it was ok if she showered first. I said no problem and she disappeared into the bedroom and returned with clothes and a shower kit and a makeup bag and soon I heard the shower going.
       Oh the sounds of a naked woman showering in my presence had not been heard for some time and I just sat there and imagined too much. I had to shake myself loose from my thoughts and think about some breakfast and was soon peeling a couple of potatoes and was  frying some eggs. I buttered some toast and she stuck her head out the bathroom door and asked what I was cooking and I said breakfast and she needed to hurry. She dropped what she was doing and sat down and eagerly ate. Then returned to the bathroom to pick up where she left off vowing to wash the dishes.  
     I went outside and hooked the tow bar on the Jeep to the rear of the Road Warrior and hit the button for the awning to retract and then made sure all the compartments were locked and placed our trash in approved receptacles sorting out the recyclables. I returned to the inside of the Road Warrior and Darla was out the bathroom and had finished doing the dishes and was looking great with shorts showing off tan athletic looking legs. She had a loose open top barely showing any cleavage and I deemed her safe to be with me in my mind. It is one thing when I can see cleavage but another if I have to imagine. When I see cleavage, that is all I think about and I’m always trying to sneak a peek. It is bad I know, but a male thing I am sure. And women play you for it knowing how to get your attention, but Darla was playing it safe and I liked that considering our situation.  I just didn’t want to give her a wrong impression of what a dirty old man I really I am.
     I grabbed my stuff and headed into the shower after showing Darla how to access the computer and satellite to check her message’s in her email. I also showed her internet sites I bookmarked of places to visit around Fortuna I discovered, and that she also may want to see. I showered and stepped out of the bathroom as she was finishing on the internet, I asked if she was ready to go.  She said ‘Onward wagon master’. I went outside and unhooked the umbilical’s providing power to the Road Warrior and giving us sewer and water and soon was stepping into the cab again as the footstep retracted automatically as I closed the door. The Road Warrior was ready to go, and I guess  both Darla and I was too. She sat in the front passenger captain seat and looked like a little girl going for her first bike ride as I pulled the Road Warrior out of the campground lot onto the access road and was soon heading towards the gate of the RV Park and past the towering redwoods guarding the entrance to the RV Park and soon was on the Redwood Highway heading south. Life couldn’t be better for me at that point. A beautiful day, a beautiful woman to share it with and good company to boot also as we engaged in chit chat as we looked at the scenery unfolding before us. I don’t recall ever feeling like this before and tried to burn this image into my mind.
       That was until I saw that white Vulcan motorcycle in my rear view creeping up on the road behind me. The rider was a woman with long brown hair as it stuck out from under the white helmet. It sure looked like Leann was back there tailing me I thought. My heart sank .(to be cont.)


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