Wednesday, September 4, 2013

trip to sequoia ch. 37 cont.

Ch. 37 (cont.) 

Darla saw the look in my face and immediately asked “What’s wrong/”
     I looked again in the rear view monitor as it was hidden from Darla’s view due to its orientation to the driver and it sure looked like Leann and her bike but I had never in all my time with Leann had ever saw her on her bike . So again how should I know for sure if it was her? But it sure looked like it could be. I tried to act as if it was nothing and said to Darla.
     “Oh thought I saw something dragging behind the Jeep.” I touched the screen on the monitor of the rear view video feed and what appeared to be nothing became a lot larger as the camera on the rear of the road warrior suddenly enlarged what appeared to be Leann.  The closer view gave me a great look at her and it had to be her I thought to myself. But why? She didn’t want anything to do with me last time I was texted by her all she wanted was her stuff back. So why is she dogging me across the country, and why now when I am finally getting my stuff together. It all didn’t make sense, but the break-ins kind of made sense. Taking Ann’s computer would allow her access to her browser and then she could figure out where we were going. Maybe she hasn’t broke in for a while because she already figured out I am headed for Sequoia National Park and is now just messing with my mind.
     The whole thing seemed so absurd that a woman would travel across the country and break into the Road Warrior twice risking a felony breaking and entering to what just want to be with me on this trip. She wouldn’t even come and see me hardly when she was with me. At times pushing me away. Some people say because she wanted me to chase her. I have no idea; I just wanted to be with her. And now that it is over, what she follows me across the country and is going to do what?
       I need to step up the security on the Road Warrior though and try to protect both Darla and myself. I will stop at the first Harbor Freight I can find and mount me four motion detector lights  to each corner of the Road Warrior so that anyone approaching on foot will trigger a light and a camera , and also alert anyone inside the Road Warrior to unwanted visitors. I was to quiet thinking about this thing to long and again Darla asked.
   “Is everything ok?”
   “Oh yeah, I was just checking everything out and it all appears ok. Sorry I was so quiet.”
    “Well I was beginning to worry you had a look on your face like you had seen a ghost.”
       I thought to myself I imagine I did look like that, it just shocked me to see her there and I am not totally convinced it was her. You think you get to know people when you are in a relationship with them but sometimes there are sides to some that you never see. And maybe the operation changed her.  But if anything I would think it was before the operation was the hardest time. That was when I screwed up. I should have just let her go do whatever and never said a word. Oh well I am not a man to quietly sit by and let anything happen. But I needed to forget this episode and concentrate on my driving and on Darla and the rest will work itself out.
    So to change the subject I said to Darla as I switched off the rear view monitor, and looked straight ahead.  “ So Darla tell me about your ex. Couldn’t imagine anyone divorcing such a pretty woman, or you being the one divorcing as you seem a bit conservative at times.”
    Darla laughed nervously and said to me “Guy, it isn’t something I wanted to do. I tried to make it work and we were in love for about the first 6 years till I went to work for Ann and even though it was part time as the kids were still in school, I became Ann’s personal secretary and Ann would allow me flexibility in my work schedule so that I could be a mom and a wife and a personal assistant to Ann from the beginning of when I started working at Gunnite Corporation. Dave my ex was friends with Tom, and Ann was my friend and we would have get togethers.  Dave and Tom began running around doing drugs and drinking together and when Tom began womanizing, Dave felt it was his right to do it also. Soon we became distant, and finally I caught him cheating on me and I have been single since. I never looked back because every time I did I would hurt. He asked for a million second chances, and I would ask him. So what makes me think you are going to do anything different with a second chance when you blew the first one?”
     I said. “Wow you re tough, I knew a lot of women who would just allow that abuse to go on and on. Must have been hard on you?”
    “It was hard but Ann would give me more and more work and then she sent me to college and I had a brief fling with a professor there but that is all in the past.  Anyhow Ann paid me well for my increased work load and the kids of whom I have two,  are both in college and now it is time for me. That is why I agreed to come along. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I am glad to have you along. I think we make a good team and we will have a chance to see and do a lot.”
     “Well I am glad to have finally met you and Ann has nothing but praise for you over the years, and I think we talked before when you were trying to get ahold of Ann for company business you called down to my place looking for her and Lee . Do you remember we talked on the phone?”
   She laughed a little laugh and said. “Yes you were cute explaining they had left and we chit chatted a little. I found you interesting and then I saw your blog and was drawn to your words and visions of what direction humans should take to avoid an apocalypse in the future. You kind of have a dim view of humans and their ability to do anything worthwhile to save the world. Don’t you?”
      On the defensive I said, as I was  now nervously was put on the spot “Well I believe humankind is capable of good versus evil, but feel the good we do is nothing in comparison to what needs to be done.  We have blindly listened to the greed mongers of this world as they go about empowering themselves through the rest of us less fortunate.”
        Darla says. “Well put, but then again it is the greed mongers such as the Gunnite Corporation are responsible for us being here now, Guy. If it wasn’t for them a lot of private money would not be available for charity projects and such.” She said in a contradictory tone. He had never heard in her voice anything like that.
    In return I said. “They spend their  money on pet projects like supporting the arts through a philharmonic, or they want their name placed on a building at their alma mater. How many people donate to soup kitchens or even work in them. Thinking it is the government’s responsibility to provide food stamps and such to poor lazy people. Instead they see themselves as models for the lower class saying look at what I did with my father’s money I started a business and made money as you should do. Not realizing life is a game of chances. It just happened by chance his dad or mom was married into money and they were able to provide a lifestyle conducive to them making money. Given the same circumstances as a poor person without the chance, would that rich person whop snobs the poor do the same in life? Chances are no, as he would still be subject to society’s pressures.”
     “Yes I see that.” Said Darla as she was attempting to defuse me as now I was started on a rant. Instead of continuing I just let it go, and again looked in my rear view mirror and there was no Leann if it was her. Apparently she turned off somewhere, but anyhow she was gone and   Darla and I settled into a calm place, driving and pointing out features of the land to each other as headed down Highway 101 to Eureka.
       We passed through Mc Kinleyville and Arcata where we would begin to see some seashore having drove inland for a while seeing plenty of redwood trees. At times we would see a brown patch of soil indicating a lack of moisture to an extent that even along the coast here we were still in somewhat of an arid region. When we were closer to the coast it would start greening up well and in the forests they seemed to be hearty as the dense growth would protect the forest floor from the effects of over drying of the soils by providing much needed shade as the sun shined down here in California.
   We passed a couple of seaside bays and saw plenty of wildlife associated with the fresh water and soon we were pulling into Eureka. I found a public parking area where they didn’t charge for parking and pulled the Road Warrior in along with the CJ-7 jeep and parked the Road Warrior.
Darla went to the bedroom and said she was going to change for dinner. It was in the afternoon now and we figured to eat a full course meal at the Eureka Inn.
      I headed into the bathroom and finally changed out of my standard dress of shorts and t-shirt and put some dockers on and found a nice fish shirt as I call them that has some kind of fishing motif on it that says ‘hey I am a tourist. I like spending money. Ignore me and expect a large tip.’ Sometimes I think they have hidden words only wait staff can read that says sucker and such on it. I don’t know, but I like the shirts and love wearing them. I found some fancier dress sandals in the closet and still Darla didn’t come out as I was ready to go. So I went outside and unhooked the Jeep and stretched a while waiting on her looking around the area and checking out the Road Warrior.  Finally I went back inside to see what was going on and she appeared at the bedroom door in a really nice short black cocktail dress and looked stunning with her tan legs and slim body emphasizing her overall appeal.  
     I said. “Wow, you sure look nice, you sure you want to go with me ?”
     She said. “Silly who else am I going with? We are kinda stuck with each other for a while. I just felt like dressing up and from the sounds of the Eureka Inn,  I felt we had better be dressed appropriately.”
     “And you think I am?” I asked.
     She said. “Guy you look great any time. I wouldn’t be afraid to go anywhere with you. Silly that is why I am here.”  I laughed and helped her down and out of the Road Warrior offering her my hand,  and then helped her as she had a pair of short pumps on, into the Jeep and I hurried to the other side and said to myself Eureka!!  What a woman. Here we come.   (to be cont.)


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