Thursday, September 19, 2013

trip to sequoia -ch.43 cont.

Ch.43 (cont.)

         The next day we started climbing out of the Central Valley towards our final destination of the General Sherman tree on RT. 198 along the Three Rivers Gorge up into the Sierra Nevada’s Mountain range. It was at this point I was glad to be shed of the Jeep I had towed behind into the fire that Deb is now restoring for me. She was hoping  that we would meet with me later when she has it completed. She had mentioned something about meeting us at the General Sherman tree, as in all the time she had lived in California she had never taken the time to go and visit the General Sherman tree. I had mentioned bringing her back to her place if she did. She had said she could be dropped off at the bus station on RT 101 and she would be happy. The bus stopped right in front of the old gas station where she lived.
       Ann and Lee had their Ford Escape and they were up on the mountain already and I really didn’t know how the sleeping arrangements or anything was going to work when we meet up with them. I had not noticed much of anyone following me since I found the GPS unit in the burned out sewage tank. Deb said she would get rid of it for me and as I stood back at her place I watched as she cocked her arm and threw it as hard as she could across Highway 101 into the ditch on the other side of the road across from the old gas station.
     “That should do it she says, and when they stop to look for it I will shoot them in the ass.” she said .
     I laughed at her rowdy ways. Deb was different from Darla in many ways and that was what was so alluring to me about her. More of a tom boy Mc Gyver type, give her a job to do and she will get r done, as they say. Whereas Darla was more of the girly girl type, afraid of spiders snakes and bugs of all kinds. Liked the plays, and like to dress nice. Darla liked to make love on a king size bed with room to move around whereas Deb liked to make love on the end of a pickup bed in the open in front of all creation.
     Then there was Leann who just liked to make love and enjoyed the pleasure selfishly as she lay back and enjoyed the moment. Then when sated would do her best to return all favors. A guy could go crazy picking just one to be with the rest of his life. And yet he was getting comfortable being around Darla the more time he spent with her.
    If Deb met them at the General Sherman tree , then I would have to choose and stick with that one person , as I was kinda brought up old school and I am tired of being alone. To say the least it would be totally crazy if all three were to show up there at the same time only making my choice even harder. I doubt if Leann will show , but again I am certain I saw her following me before and I don’t doubt she hasn’t figured out what I am up to and that is taking our dream trip to the Sequoias.
    Also I wonder if there is still someone following us. We had broken into a couple of times and someone wanted something and I don’t think Leann would do it, so who?  Dealing Dan maybe? It seemed kind of strange we ended up with a GPS transponder behind the sewage tank as that had to be placed there during a service visit to the  dealership and its location was hidden so well as you think only someone with knowledge of the Road Warrior would only be able to do that. Dealing Dan made a chunk off of Ann when she bought this RV and her Ford Escape. There again if they someone was  following us why didn’t  the Escape didn’t have one on it also? And if it did when we split up with  Ann and Lee when they went to Alaska, then why didn’t they have any problems?
     All of these things were going through my mind as wheeled the Road Warrior through one hairpin turn after another in what my Mom described as turns so tight you can reach out the window and clean off your taillights as you go around them. Redwood and Sequoia trees were becoming more abundant and huge logs were lying alongside the road where a tree would fall across the road.  It looked as though they just sawed it in two pieces and pushed the bulk of the tree to the side of the road. Wow, what I couldn’t do with a piece of wood that huge. The foliage overhanging the road became lusher the farther up the mountain range we climbed. The shadows  from the tall trees began to block out the sunshine on the ground and that forest feeling crept over everything as sunlight was now a glimmer through the tree tops and prized by all living things on the forest floor as the trees would compete for every ray to make themselves a little taller than the next one.
     I was headed for Potwisha campground on the 2300 foot level up the mountain and as we climbed higher and higher and the roads became more winding. I felt that Darla needed to check and see what the status was of all campgrounds in the Sequoia National park. She booted the satellite and was soon telling me that they had shut down portions of Highway 198 to RV’s due to construction activities. But that we could probably make it to Potwisha campground and stay there. She said they had two available camping spots in that area and a fire alert was on for that area.
    Again I wished I would have checked before I started as the Road Warrior was totally unfit as we began to drive next to gorges where the road dropped off 500 feet to one side. Darla looked once and said ‘Oh shit’, and never looked out that side of the Road Warrior again. Signs for Camp Potwisha soon began appearing as the mountain seemed to level out into a plateau and soon we entered the campgrounds and were now in the Sequoia National Park and we still had a day before meeting Ann and Lee.
     Darla had talked to Ann and Lee and they were staying in the Waksuchi Lodge and were minute’s away from the General Sherman tree. This was at the 6500 foot level up the mountain. This was totally inaccessible by us as Deb still had the Jeep and we were not able to drive the Road Warrior any farther up the mountain or did I desire to drive it any further. I was quite glad to see an open area of campsite at the Potwisha campground and it was rather easy to access with the Road Warrior. This was a no frills campground and required us to use the generator for electric as there was no electric or sewer available. I pulled in and parked the Road Warrior and started flipping switches and within minutes had the Road Warrior leveled the new awning rolled out and then walked out the door and the step slid out on command. Everything was as it should be.
     Darla was able to reach Ann in her room at the lodge on up the mountain and the two of them went on a talking about everything that happened and where we were. They invited us to come on up the mountain and spend the night in the lodge, but to my surprise Darla declined before even asking me and said she and I were content here in the Road Warrior. She told them we were having problems negotiating turns with Road Warrior and that we were stuck here with their climbing equipment. That we would need a ride around the park tomorrow if possible to see the General Sherman tree, or we can take the shuttle bus.
     As she was talking my cell phone rang and it was Deb and I answered.
     “Hey there deb what’s up?” I asked.
      “Well I have your Jeep done and should be somewhere close to you.” She said continued .     “Just need to know if you have landed somewhere on the mountain yet?”
       I told her we did and where we were and what a convenience it was going to be able to get the Jeep back so soon. I asked her to stay with us here in the Road Warrior rather than find lodging and have that expense. She said from her GPS she should only be about a couple of hours away from us. I cupped my hand over the cell as Darla was still talking to Ann and updated her to the news that Deb had the Jeep and was bringing it to us here tonight and we would be able to use it to get around. And that we could still meet them at noon at the General Sherman tree if they like. We all agreed as to where we would meet and that we would have Ann and Lee’s climbing equipment with us if they like.
    Well it all sounded like the plan was coming together finally. Darla and I stepped outside and enjoyed a walk through the park as we just wanted to stretch our legs before Deb arrived. We still had to make supper and Deb could stay in my old sofa bed and enjoy the comforts of a bad night’s sleep. Having both in the Road Warrior at the same time was a risky move but one I needed to make.


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