Thursday, September 12, 2013

trip to sequoia - ch.40 cont.

Ch. 40 (cont. )

         The wiring on the generator had been burned pretty badly. And the patch job I made with the wire to the Jeep allowed us to have electric to the Road Warrior. But it needed to be routed through a distribution box in the way it is supposed to be. We were soon cutting and stripping wires and soon had power back through the distribution box.
     Next thing we had to do was power wash the Road Warrior getting all the soot and scorch marks off the side and soon even  the Road Warrior looked as if it was on the path to recovery minus all the plastic trim that was burned in the fire.
      I looked in the compartment where I kept our chainsaw equipment and it all looked OK so I took out two saws, one just a hogging chainsaw and the other was my detail saw with a carving bar.
 Deb and I soon dragged one of the logs her father had saved out from under the roof of the garage, and I had fired up the chainsaws and began carving a mermaid using Debs face and guessing at the parts of her body. As I carve along, Darla and Deb would stop by occasionally and see how I was doing. I had carved the mermaid as if she was on the front of the bow of a ship making the front of the ship look as if it was ripped out. I had done this with the log standing on end much as if it had been while growing. The size of the log allowed me plenty of room as it was almost eight foot tall and three and a half foot wide. I worked on it till dark and then found the air hose and dusted myself off.
     Darla and Deb had fixed a huge supper and soon we ate sitting under the burned awning of the Road Warrior as the sun was going down. I showered and put on some clean clothes and soon joined Darla and Deb in conversation under the awning. We talked of our lives back home and I mentioned Clyde and babe and sitting on the dock fishing, and both seemed to show interest in what I had to say. I was soon telling tales of past adventures or experiences I had that shaped my life.
    At one point when the conversation was lagging and Deb and Darla were off on a tangent of man bashing I excused myself to supposedly go to the bathroom and instead sneaked around to the corner of the Road Warrior opened the compartment to where I kept my pot and pulled out a ready roll and lit it up . Oh the experience of getting a high is soothing as your mind drifts to new proportions and all those things that seem important are now just memories to delve into. Sometimes it will shift your mouth into overdrive as Clyde would get when he is back home drooling over his sister in law.
     I just stood there and was enjoying the sounds of the night as I could hear insects calling out to their mates as a few fireflies dancing in the night lit up the ground giving me a glimpse of what the terrain was like and all of sudden out of the dark I hear ‘ You are busted’, as Darla and Deb had come to seek me out. They were laughing at my reaction as I had just finished inhaling and was waiting and holding the smoke in when they yelled busted, that I about coughed as the smoke enraged my lungs and forced its way out.
      I asked. “Want some?”
     Darla said. “Sure back right after the firestorm would have been nice. How long have you been holding out on me you bogard?”
     Darla continued as she saw I was speechless as she took the joint I offered “I thought you were holding out on me Guy how dare you? I didn’t tell you but that is one thing I always loved to do since high school but working at Gunnite I was always fearful of drug testing and once a month I would have to generate a list of employees who would have to take a  drug test. It sucked knowing it was going to affect someone’s employment but it was part of the job. You had better have another one after taking me through that firestorm and for using my flannel pajamas as a fire extinguisher.”
     Darla then took a hit and passed it to Deb who was laughing so hard at me and my getting busted.
     Darla went on to say, “If I knew what you had in your hands all this time when you went to the bathroom, then I would have been out here bugging you all along. I don’t have to worry about taking a drug test now since we are now both well off.”
      “I see how it works you only want the pot “I laughed at the suggestion that she wasn’t interested in me personally and I continued.
     “Darla I would have gladly given you a joint three times since I met you for sure to lighten you up and a lot more at other times.”
   “You  bogard.  Guy I am ashamed of you.”  Deb ribbed me.
   We all laughed and passed the joint around and then Darla asked if Ann smoked. I said she did. And then Darla asked why she is the last person to find out that her boss was also a smoker.
       Deb asked if we wanted to see her grow room. We had been in her house but you could never tell anything was amiss. We followed Deb into her house and then she took me through her bedroom where I began imagining all sorts of things eventually she pushed on a wall and the wall swung around revealing lit growing rooms complete with 1000 watt sodium halide growing lamps and in five gallon buckets on the floor were six plants resplendent with bud. Off to the side was a cutting table where she would clone her plants. Deb explained she also had grown up in the generation of pot smokers when it was a cool thing to do. That she was an alcoholic and that was part of the reason for her breakup with her ex and coming back to her dad’s gas station, saved Debs life as here she began growing by just dropping a seed into the ground and watching it grow. She built a wall of tires around it and just let it grow. It was a female that had seeds but yielded almost a half of a pound of great herb. This was her start.
    She sold some to a close friend and then he ran back for more. Now she deals exclusively to a few people. Pot having been decriminalized in California for medical purposes allowed the growers to sell, not only to medical patients but also to a growing underground movement of people that just enjoy getting high without anything said from any governmental sources. In order to get marijuana in California you must register and have a prescription that allows it. Some people still wary of the government avoid this and just buy from underground sources like Deb. The trade in pot for medical purposes is just about equal for underground sources and until they legalize pot completely this will always be so. Then people in California can just grow in their back yards as they will.
    Nothing better than just plucking a bud from a plant in your yard tossing it in the microwave after you deseed it and then roll you a big one and smoke it down. Greasing the wheels in your body and putting a smile on your face.
    Anyhow Deb asked if we wanted to smoke one from her plants and of course before she finished the sentence both Darla and I yelled in unison ‘You bet’,  and then we laughed  as Darla once again led us back through her bedroom and then into her living room and then into the kitchen and soon was rolling one at the table . Her little schnauzer dog popped its head into the room and sniffed and turned and ran for his box in the living room having no mercy for us foolish humans and choosing instead to return to the comfort of his box. I had noticed the dog rarely strayed from its box.
     We talked and smoked recounting the good old days when you could buy four finger bags of dope for thirty dollars and then get the munchies and eat everything in sight. We all also talked of the wild parties we had and how the music was so great back then as we reminisced of days gone by until I was tired and desired the lack of comfortableness of my couch bed as it was getting late .
     Darla and I said good night to Deb and headed to the Road Warrior. Darla still couldn’t believe I was holding out on her and told me so as we walked, even though I explained that it is not something you just tell anyone about. Besides she could have always asked.
      She said good night as she headed into the bedroom and closed the door and then as I prepared my couch bed with the uncomfortable bar protruding through the springs making sleep ever so hard I laid down and being as comfortable as I could started thinking of the day’s events, and what we needed to do next. And realized the Road Warrior was ready to move on as soon after the fire reports subside, that Darla was  pot smoker along with Deb. Also that Darla had no more pajamas to beat out fires with thanks to me slept in the nude I hoped, and that Deb also a pot smoker was in her house alone and in need of a stranger to walk into her life and give her all she needs. Someone to help her get undressed for bed as I unsnap one bib snap and then the other and lift her loose flowing blouse up and tenderly pull it over her head ,  and then visions of me being in the sky . Watching down over me and my pitiful self as the reality of a dreamer sets in and you realize you sleep alone in a couch bed in a Road Warrior motor home alone, while two beautiful mature women sleep also alone , just feet away from where I am now.    
    Darla Deb or Leann which one should I finally am able to connect to? Or should I even worry anymore as I have everything but sex in two of the women. But it doesn’t stop me from wanting or needing still the closeness and touch of another in my life.  I have to remind myself I am not dead, just not as good as I used to be, but still able to rise to the occasion. I smiled at that thought and went to sleep.


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