Saturday, September 21, 2013

trip to sequoia - ch. 44 sherman is burning like atlanta

Ch. 44
Sherman is burning like Atlanta

     I awoke from a dream I had where I was supposed to count pieces of this and that and organize everything  as my old boss was selling out his business  and needed a full accounting of everything he had before the auction, all of it tedious work I despise. Then I ended up in an amusement park of junk automobiles, where kids were playing on a gutted chassis, with sharp rusty metal lying in mud. When I woke I found myself  lying next to Darla with Deb  out on the sofa bed not more than thirty feet away,  and realized I was finally sitting in Sequoia National Park instead of Stockport Ohio. I could find no good reason why my mind went off on that tangent. I usually analyze my dreams and try to make some abstract sense out of what they mean and at times I have dreams of the future,  or inventions.  At other times the dreams are so vivid I actually believe I am there and find my arms and legs hard to move and that is mainly because I am lying down. I have had some upset me so bad I would not be able to return to sleep, so I usually just get up and go about my day.
      This dream wasn’t that upsetting but it did keep me from sleeping and I lay there in the dark listening to Darla snore lightly. She wasn’t a bad snorer but still she had something going on there I imagine much the same as I do. She appeared to be sleeping soundly, and  hopefully I satisfied all her urges , or at least allowed her to make enough noise to let Deb know that  I was under her spell as Darla was a little vocal at times during our little session last night. Laughing under her breath at those times when she was a little louder than usual. The door in the Road Warrior offered little as a sound d barrier and I believe was part of the reason Lee and Ann decided to take off. When Ann and Lee were travelling with me before Darla came along, I once laid where Deb did and listened to the cavorting of Lee and Ann in exactly the same fashion. I could only imagine what Deb thinks of me now. But then again I guess I shouldn’t care, as Darla should be my main concern.
    I lay there in the dark unable to sleep, not because of the dream but because I was just having a hard time sleeping. I tried to readjust and at times would slide my hand over Darla’s naked body , and lightly touch , just because I could and wanted to. I would do it softly and deliberately seeing if my caresses were responded to and they were as she would quit snoring as if something was disturbing her sleep. She would roll away from me and I would begin again teasing, as I was killing time till,  I could get up and not disturb Deb. I tried to go back to sleep again and it was useless. I finally resolved myself to get up and make some coffee and try not to wake Deb.
   That was harder than I thought . I am like a bull in a china closet when it comes to trying to be quiet . It was dark and I stumble around,  and then there is the sound of water running and although it is dark in the cabin of the Road Warrior I can hear Deb sleeping away seemingly unconcerned about that damn bar that haunts me when I sleep there. In the dim morning light I can see thankfully she has bed clothes on, but in fact it looks like only  a short teddy. I hurry and make coffee and head out the door to the Road Warrior seeking a chance to rid myself of imagining what Deb has on and to purge my mind of any thoughts of anything that doesn’t include Darla. I am sitting outside the Road Warrior and smell smoke again and soon I hear sirens and see fire trucks pulling into the camp ground again as the fire must have restarted again and is once again threatening us.
      I listen as I drink my coffee and try to enjoy what wildlife I can around me as they also scurry around not knowing what to do or where to go . I can hear firemen going door to door, knocking on camper doors alerting the people as to the danger they may be in. finally they come to my camper and seem to be surprised when they find me out side drinking coffee in the dark.
    “Excuse me sir.” The larger of the two helmeted and suited fireman silhouettes in the dim morning light says to me while flashing my eyes with a flashlight and blinding me temporarily as he continues. “We are having problems with the fire again and we may need to evacuate you from the park. It looks as though the fire has rekindled itself and is now racing up the slope. You may want to get all in your group to awaken and be ready to evacuate at a moment’s notice. Please don’t do anything such as leave as the road is closed on down the mountain due to fire and we are uncertain as to what is going on up above. We may have to just sit tight and find cover where we can till danger has passed.”
      “You mean we are trapped up here now?” I asked.
      “Well we are not sure but we are taking every precaution and letting everyone know. What we don’t want to do is to have everyone make a mad dash down the mountain and clog up the road. It is our only access for fire equipment. That is why we are asking you to stay put till we tell you what to do if necessary. It looks as though the camp ground will be spared but the fire is burning out of control at te higher elevations including the area around the General Sherman tree.
      Wow I thought to myself 3500 years that tree has been here and before I am able to see it is going to burn.
    I asked. “Are you trying to save those trees I understand they are some of the oldest on earth?”
    The fireman replied. “We are doing everything we can to save the Sherman and other trees up there . But we have to look out for the safety of the firefighters first. As I said it is currently out of control and they are dumping everything we have on that area, in terms of water from planes to fire retardant, and it does seem to be doing some good. Reports are there was fire in that area but it appears to be less threatening now. The Waksuchi lodge is now being evacuated and those people are being escorted off the mountain now.
     I thought to myself that would be Ann and Lee.
    I said to the fireman. “We will be waiting to hear more from them and I will get everyone here up and ready to move if needed.”
    He said. “Thanks. And we will be in touch.”
    I went inside and found Deb awake and looking sexy in a short little night gown as I tried to avert my eyes, and  I mentioned that we were just visited by the firefighters and needed to be ready to evacuate if necessary.
     Deb said. “ I heard you talking to them and caught every word. Your friends are in that lodge aren’t they?
      I said. “ Yes I need to find my cell and see if they are headed our way. I would suggest being ready to move if needed. I am going to wake Darla and let her know.”
     Deb said she would dress and use the bathroom. And as she walked towards the bathroom I wondered if I had made the right choice as she looked great in her little next to nothing. I tried to avert my eyes but i just couldn’t. Instead I watched as long as I could till she slipped behind the door of the bathroom and then I went through the door of the bedroom and noticed darla was sprawled out naked on my side of the bed and was clutching my pillow sound asleep. I touched her shoulder and told her of our impending evacuation and that she needed to get up and get dressed . We may have to move quickly and evacuate and we need to be ready.
      Darla’s naked body also looked great and took the time to softly knead her naked shoulder and  under different circumstances would have wanted to climb back in bed and try a repeat of last night’s performance all over again if I had he stamina to do so. Sometimes my mind works better than my body at times. Imagining making love to a woman is never quite the same as doing it . But in that deep dark space in my mind I can be quite the lover at times in spite of a raging inferno outside . All it takes is just a little skin to set me off. And I have already had more than my share his morning. After kneading her round bare bottom I gave her a spank and said we better get moving before I get us both into trouble. She looked at me with her tired eyes and said you would like that wouldn’t you.
   “Always.” I said
    “Pervert!” she said and then continued. “I should be spanking you as I you are so bad.”
     I said to her. “ Come on,  they were serious about the fire and it has been burning around the General Sherman tree on up the mountain also. “
       She said sleepily. “It would be a shame if anything happened to it . Yes I am coming.”
     As I came out of the bedroom and closed the door deb was coming out of the bathroom , dressed in a plaid top and jeans . I never noticed her red painted toes until they stuck out from under the jeans. Guess my mind was somewhere else. This is crazy I thought to myself. Everything is. The women, the fire, and everything from the Road Warrior to the Jeep, to the trip, and the only thing I hope for in the next coming days is to live long enough to see how it all works out. It is almost as if I am living a dream as I was in this morning. That if I snap my fingers it will all disappear and to test that theory I snap my fingers  and Deb gives me a quizzed look and  asks what I am doing as she is pouring her a cup of coffee and then she asks if had  trouble sleeping.
    My first thought is well it must be real and I answer her
   “Yes I had a dream and couldn’t sleep.”
    She says to me. “Don’t you just hate that?”
    I said, “I do, but you will have to excuse me I have to make a phone call.” as I dialed Lee’s cell number and Lee answered.
   “So what’s up big Guy?”
     “Just a little forest fire are you and Ann being evacuated ? I talked to a fireman down here  and he said you were being escorted off the mountain .” I said to him.  
     Lee said. “Yes and we should be there shortly . We passed a couple of places burning but it looked as though the fire already passed through. We have a fire truck leading us down to your area for now. There was smoke up at the lodge but that was all.  That and a lot of helicopter traffic.”  
    I told him that the general Sherman tree being threatened by fire and that it may have been in the fire and I asked if he heard that?
     Lee said. “No they just hurried everyone out of the lodge and told us to follow the fire truck. We Should be there in about fifteen minutes for breakfast. We can talk more then .”
     I said. “Ok we will see you in a few.”
     I told Darla and deb what Lee had just told me and Darla said. “I guess we better start fixing some breakfast . So we can have that out of the way in case we have to move.”
      Deb asked Darla who was now dressed if she needed help and Darla says. “Sure always can use help when cooking.”   ( to be cont.)



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