Wednesday, September 11, 2013

trip to sequoia ch. 40 the warrior rises

The Warrior Rises

     The morning broke over central California and I awoke before Darla did or at least I think I did as I hurried to find my shorts and make some coffee. I slept about as well as anyone with a bar in the middle of their back could sleep. Never cared for a sleeper bed, for a light weight they may be OK but for someone my size at 240 pounds and my height of  6 foot 3 inches , they smash right down and the bar that is supposed to support me fails miserably, and instead becomes an ever present pain in the back which goes along with my ever present pain in the ass laying on the bed in the other room. Oh I guess Darla isn’t that bad. Maybe if I was one of those Mormons and had multiple wives then maybe Leann, Deb, and Darla, might make a good team. Deb could fix things for me, Leann would be great for giving me a hard time (but she is in competition with Darla over that one), and Darla could take care of the bills and clean.
   There I go the perfect woman. Too bad you can’t extract some DNA from all three and make your own. But then you would have to wait for her to grow up and develop an attitude to see if you have the right mix. And if you started using her to young, you could go to jail. I guess man has to be reluctant to take what you get. There are no easy ways about anything in life, especially when it comes to women.
   It just seems strange it wasn’t that long ago I was sitting on my dock listening to Clyde drone on about his sister in law’s butt, and now I am surrounded by forest of estrogen and stuck in the middle of California waiting for the fire to subside all around me. Is this just a metaphor for how my life has gone so far?
   A knock at the door and there is Deb looking fresh and alert wanting to get started rewiring the generator and pressure washing the outside of the Road Warrior to remove the scorch marks. Deb looked great this morning as she tied her hair back into a ponytail and had on a fresh pair of bibs and a purple blouse revealing ample sized breasts and cleavage. You know how long it has been since I saw cleavage. These women know how to play me for sure. I said to her.
    “Come on in Deb, did you have any breakfast?” I asked
     She says to me “ I had a piece of toast and a cup of coffee.”
    “That isn’t breakfast but it is an annoyance at best , hardly enough to get you started.” I said and continued. “Come on in and let me make you some breakfast.”
    She returned with. “Twist my arm if you may, but you don’t have to, I could use something to eat.”
  “It would be my pleasure I said while lying through my teeth.” I invited her in but I went on acting as if I really wanted to fix breakfast for two women knowing Darla would be up soon. Something wrong with this picture I thought. I was always told it was a woman’s place to cook for me. I must have screwed up somewhere along the line but oh well.
      I continued with. “Well I hope you like 3 egg omelet’s with fresh veggies like pepper strips, some sun dried tomatoes, and mushrooms pan fried with onions and folded with cheese and cream cheese.”
    Darla said as she opened the bedroom door. “Why yes Guy I will take about half of one of those. Guy makes such good omelets Deb. You have to try one of these.”
    Deb said. “OK, I will take the other half, do you need help Guy.”
  “No I can handle this myself .” Again being way to nice concealing my inner thoughts and denouncing this new world order where women are now equal. That they can now be found in the workplace as well as in the kitchen cooking, except these two who are quite reluctant to let me take the lead and do the cooking. Darla and Deb sat there and talked while I slaved over a hot stove and cooked up a 2 large omelets stuffed to the gills and rolled steaming hot and smelling great onto 3 plates having cut Darla and Debs in two pieces. We sat down and enjoyed coffee and small talk as Darla and Deb no doubt were conspiring against me to drive me out of my mind. This wouldn’t take long to send me screaming into a burning forest fire inferno grasping my genitals screaming why I lord? They sat comparing notes as to the last time they were served breakfast by a man , while deep in one of those gray folds in my cerebral cortex, I thought I  definitely had to change my style as these women enjoyed too much ,me being subservient to them .
    Maybe I shouldn’t be so quick to make offers of feeding them as it seems their husbands could have cared less about doing anything for them yet had free reign in the bedroom enjoying all the carnal pleasures. It isn’t right. I arose and placed my dishes in the sink and started to run the dish water when Darla came up behind me and placed her hand on my back and said I will do that for you.  Then Deb came and grabbed the dish cloth right out of my hand and said she would help Darla and that breakfast was great. And soon I was being shoed out of the Road Warrior as these two women undoubtedly had something to discuss and it didn’t involve me. I took the opportunity to grab my pot and roll me a fatty and head out looking around Debs place as I smoked and  conjured in my mind what they were up to.
   My fantasy thoughts turned to a threesome but that was quickly shattered as in my imagination I could be found by my fumbling around and losing my Viagra pills, not one but all of them into the couch bed with the prodding bar and leaving both women extremely disappointed. My second fantasy thought was the two of them making it together but that was shattered by the thought of the two of them in flannel pajamas and then when I think there is hope, as suddenly Leann streams through the door only to see her dressed in flannel also and the three of them sit around and sup tea and have a pajama party instead. . At this point I realized I needed to think of other things besides these women. Like getting on with the program and giving up the pot.
    I like the pot but at the same time it makes me want for a woman more and almost make me obsessive compulsive when it comes to it. I become single in thought making that my primary concern. Since arriving here at Deb’s old gas station there seems as if there has been only one thing occupying my thoughts as either one woman or the other has been on my mind interspersed with thoughts of Leann. Who wins, who cares, I sure am not winning anything. I still sleep alone on a couch bed with a prodding bar. If that’s winning I give up. I had just put out the joint and exhaled when Deb walked around the corner and saw me looking at an old sawmill her dad had once owned .
    I asked about it and she said her dad had sawed the lumber for the outbuildings from that sawmill and that it used to run but since he died no one had used it. That her father used to do custom sawing and that she still had some chunks of old wood stored in one the sheds. She said come on and I followed her to a back shed and when she opened the door there was this mammoth log that looked to be a redwood.   I asked if it was and deb said yes that her father was going to saw it up and use it but became too frail and old to do it.
   I told Deb of my chain saw carving abilities and that I wanted to leave something carved representing my trip out here and asked if she would sell it.
   “Why I couldn’t sell it to you . You are going to leave it anyway, aren’t you? I would just be glad to have something from you Guy, besides it was dad’s log and it would be nice to get something out of it.  Go ahead it’s yours. I have a tractor we can pull the log out and set it up or are you going to carve it on its side?” She asked.
    I said. “I am not sure Deb, and thank you for the log it looks great . Imagine sitting there as long as it has it will be tough but I have all the equipment to handle it. Lee and I brought it along to carve while we were out here. We also have tree climbing equipment also.”
    “So you climb trees also?” She asked.
    “No I watch as Lee and Ann do the climbing as I am getting too old for that stuff.” I said.
     Deb says to me. “Well I always wanted to try and do that. Could imagine being up there high in the trees and experiencing the best I can, what it is like to fly, as you let yourself swing around in the tree tops. There are people doing crazy things out there in the big wood.”
    “Crazy being the verb to describe properly what it would be like to be up there. We have everything if you want to try, or maybe come along with us as we are going to Sequoia National Park. Only problem is, we are not going straight there. So at this point I told Deb of our plans to find property for sale to preserve for farmland in the future and that is what Darla and I are supposed to be doing as we wander through the firestorms. Also we are supposed to be meeting with Lee and Ann on Labor Day in the Sequoia National Park as Lee and Ann want to climb the big trees and plan on doing it whether the park ranger agrees to it or not. And that they were not really planning on asking them but doing it illegally.
    I also spoke of Ann’s desire to have me go along on this trip so that she could set me up with someone, mainly Darla after Leann was ruled out.
    Deb asked who Leann was and  I told her of Leann and I as we were in relationship terms and all that went on .
    Deb looked at me finally after I recounted the last 4 years of my life, the trials and tribulations and she leaned over and kissed me on the forehead and said. “I don’t believe a thing Darla told me, you are a sweet man.”
   I said to Deb. “Now what did she say?”
  Deb says to me. “Daylights a burning.”
    Then she gave me a sweet sexy smile and walked away. I could see her cute butt through her clean bibs she had on and this reminded me of Clyde and his sister in law. I tried to hide those thoughts and arose and caught up with Deb and we started in on the Road Warrior ripping out burned out wiring. (To be cont.)



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