Monday, September 16, 2013

trip to seqouia- ch.42- i'm not going to take this crap anymore

 I"m Not Going To Take This Crap Anymore

     I awoke to the sun streaming through the front window of the road warrior and a pounding on the door. I looked outside and saw a uniformed officer waiting at the door and another beside the cruiser that undoubtedly brought them here. I hurried and slipped my shorts on over my boxers, grabbed a t-shirt and answered the door.
   “Can I help you sir?
  The officer said. “Yeah it seems as if you have something oozing from your trailer and it doesn’t smell very pleasant. In fact I would say it smells a lot like piss and shit.”
    I returned questioning. “Really?  I opened the door more and stepped out on to blacktopped parking lot of the Wal-Mart. and looked and sure enough a trail of ooze stretched all the way back from the trailer and under the Road Warrior and down into a storm drain in the parking lot .
     Trying to act innocent I said I we had to do some emergency repairs on the Road Warrior having drove through a firestorm and having the motorhome catch fire . Maybe one of our connections broke or something,” I said.
    “Well the manager reported the spill to us and asked that you would clean up your mess and leave as soon as possible. Do you have some way of doing that or shall we call in someone to do that for you?” The officer asked.
    “Well I have water in storage on board, enough to finish flushing to the drain , and we are her planning on getting the Road Warrior fixed right and planned on spending a couple of days here till it was done so we could move on. I forget the name of the RV dealership we were going to but it is close. Anyhow I will clean up the mess or have someone out here shortly to do it for us if we have too. We are sorry. We made some temporary repairs and then we headed for this area to make the final repairs.” I said
    “I will have to take your name and I will need to see your driver’s license.” the officer stated.
    The other officer who was leaning against the cruiser came over and asked how we managed to beat up this RV so bad .  I explained we were caught in a forest fire and that we had sustained damage as I tried to drive through the fire.  That I had to put the fire out, and by the time I finished telling them about the flannel pajamas and how Darla was so upset they were almost in tears laughing at what I did. They said forget the driver’s license and that there would be no report as long as it is all cleaned up , and they also said they understood that flannel to women is like body armor . Anyhow they had a good laugh at Darla’s expense and took down the plate numbers of the Road Warrior noting I was from Ohio, and asked why we ended up there. And I told him of our trip to see the Sequoias and then they wished us luck and drove off.
     I still get a little paranoid when I see cops and know I am carrying pot on board. I went back inside and put on my sandals and woke Darla up and told her we needed to get moving and explained about the spill .
   She explained to me she had to go to the bathroom bad and that she wondered if it was alright if she used the bathroom.
    I said, “No. 1 or 2?”
     Darla said. “I don’t know which Guy; till I go, sometimes it is both, what’s the difference.”
     “Well one lays on the pavement in a pile and the other washes down a storm grate. Maybe you had better go inside the Wal-Mart to be safe.”
    “But I haven’t had a shower, coffee or messed with my hair.”
    “Darla I don’t think we should be picky here. I have only enough water to wash the mess we have now down the drain, let alone try to scoot some droppings across the tarmac. Why am I having this discussion? Darla please go inside, and I will make you some coffee. First I am going outside and do my best to clean things and you get ready to take this thing to the RV dealership. I don’t want this to turn into a bigger problem please.”
     “Oh ok.” Darla said.  “Can you please make some coffee first?” She said as she stood there in her flannel nightie. The idea of her wanting to do the inexplicable and expecting me to clean up after her was a little too much. If coffee was all it took to motivate her across the parking lot and into the Wal-Mart so that she could make up her mind if it’s one or two or both, well coffee is the least I could do. So I said yes and I will make coffee and you hurry so we can dump this thing at the RV dealership and let them handle it from there. I damn tired of this shit, so to speak. We need to get it fixed right. And I don’t need the cops back here looking around. I have no medical marijuana card and can be prosecuted for crossing state lines with marijuana and that is a felony.
     Darla said.  “Oh-h-h -ok I will hurry. Hate to see you go to jail especially over something like this may take some explaining. “She chuckled.
     I made her some coffee and took time to get a cup myself before heading out the door to do my unpleasant task.
     I head outside and hook up the garden hose and start flushing the runoff from the tank toward the drain hoping I have enough water on board as there are no water hydrants to pull any from. Already the stench had attracted a horde of flies and I washed all of it including the flies and the crap into the bay. Next I look at the spill and where it is coming from and notice the valve on the tank had been opened. I knew I threatened to do that but never did, and in fact ran a zip tie through the valve preventing it from being opened. The zip tie lay on the ground underneath the trailer. I sprayed the effluent off of it and examined it and it looked as though I it had been cut.
    What is this? And who keeps screwing with us? Doesn’t make any sense, I said to myself as I notice that Darla is scurrying across the parking lot and hurrying into the Wal-Mart. I imagine myself as the brother in law to Chevy Chase in National Lampoon’s ‘Christmas Story’, as he dumps his radioactive waste down the residential sewer. This is what I am doing. Only I am not poor but instead driving a one hundred and thirty five thousand dollar Road Warrior that looks like I took the short cut to hell and back and had seen better days and have over a million in the bank and yet I am standing here in a Wal-Mart parking lot washing do-do down the drain. All because someone has it in for us, when is the madness ever going to end?
     Darla returned as I was running out of water and I asked if she was ready to head to the RV dealership and to a hotel. And she said never too soon for me. I hate public restrooms.
    I packed all I had taken out to wash the pavement and headed for the RV dealership. I looked in the rear view monitor as I left the place and nothing was left but a wet spot, and at that not really the kind I like to leave when sleeping with a woman I don’t know that well.
      I wheeled the Road Warrior into Big Dan’s RV dealership and thought how ironic is that, first I have Dealing Dan selling us the Road Warrior and now on the other side of the country we have Big Dan selling the same thing. Maybe a conspiracy I said to myself as I pulled up in front of the dealership, in front of a whole row of new Road Warriors and stopped in front of the service area.  A service man ran out and asked what we were going to want to do to this wreck we had.
   I admit the Road Warrior was looking a little pale faced but it had lived up to its expectation’s by delivering us through the gates of hell to make it here , but to call it a wreck may be a little harsh.  Besides he doesn’t really know who we were or how much we are willing to pay, to get this thing restored to its original condition.
    I simply told him to  fix it. All of it and make it look like those shiny new ones and don’t worry about the cost as it is all covered by insurance,  And to do it as soon as possible. And if they can’t do it then I will take it somewhere else.
     Well let me check. The Road Warrior has a computer service base of all Road Warriors sold and by entering your VIN numbers I can tell when it was made and the availability of parts and give you a rough estimate of what it would cost to repair.
   Forget all that just fix the damn thing I said. We don’t have time to sit around and we are heading to a hotel. An Enterprise rental car rolled up and the driver steps out and asked for Darla Goins as I was talking to the service manager, I indicated she was with me and that if he would wait a sec, I would be right with him. I continued with the service manager.
   “So are you going to fix it or what.” I asked  
   “Let me take it back to our service department and we will get in touch with you.”
    I handed him a business card of my carving business. And told him to work up a bill and get back to me. We need to move fast on this if it is at all possible. I figured it would take a week to a week and a half to finish bringing the Road Warrior back to its original shape, considering how these places operate. If not we can always access the equipment we need and take the rental car out to Sequoia National park.
     I said to the Enterprise agent. “I will check and see if Darla is ready, and grab our bags, we have to drop you off at the agency where this car came from.  Right?”
    “Yes sir.” the young looking he-she as you couldn’t really tell what it was underneath the sheep’s clothing said. I looked for boobs and didn’t notice any but the gothic haircut and nose rings led me to believe it may be human. But it was a little hard to tell.
    Darla appeared at the door to the Road Warrior as if on cue , and said “My chariot awaits.” and then she continued on. “Guy I went ahead and packed your bags as I was waiting on our car to arrive. Just took everything out of the drawers. But you may want to add a few things.”
   At this I hurried through the Road Warrior and soon had everything Darla may have forgotten or purposely left behind including my stash along with Debs that she gave me, and was soon piling the bags into the trunk of the car. The he –she climbed into the back seat and I drove as Darla rode in the front with me.
   I asked the he-she for directions and he-she instructed me to put the address of the Enterprise rental place into the on board navigation system and it would tell me where to go. Well since I had been to hell with Darla once, I figured navigating the streets of San Francisco should be a breeze. Soon we were passing trolley cars as they ascended the tall hills around San Francisco. Orders of turn right here and you are entering a parking service garage, indicated we had reached our first destination to let off the he –she, after a signature on the rental agreement. He-she  told us the address of the hotel where we had reservations as he or she checked it out on his smart phone, and it was just down the street.  It was the Sheraton in downtown San Francisco. I thanked him or her and was soon was back out into the street and after a couple of blocks was in at our hotel.
     We checked in after parking the Ford Fusion in the parking deck, headed straight to our adjoining rooms and when I finally opened the door to my suite and couldn’t believe the view of downtown San Francisco. The Iconic Transamerica Life Insurance building and the Golden Gate bridge all loomed in the distance through the windows to our rooms , as we were afforded one of the best views that San Francisco has to offer. I collapsed on to my bed after unloading Darla’s luggage in her room first. My bags could wait; I was going to de-stress by taking me a nap, and then would worry about the world and all its problems later. I fell asleep fast.


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